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  • "aggresive drunk man"

    Hey! I resemble that remark you know. Well, not the aggressive part(most certainly not towards you my dearest).
    Mine was awesome too. It wouldve been much better with you around though. What did you do that was so good?
    I'm back doll, and you really should know by now that i do indeed think of you that way.
    My days been wonderful, mostly because you're here. It's also been really cool because when i went to lunch, i stopped by a pawn shop and found a year old Trek 4300 mountain bike for $150. They sold for over $500 when new last year. So i jumped on it. Score!
    So are you looking for another job as well? Or are you going to stick this one out a bit more.

    Oh, and just so you know, i always want you nowadays
    No need to apologise love i just wish i was there to help make you feel better, thats all.
    Ya shouldve hooked her up with some of your fresh habs....that wouldve 'warmed' her up for a bit. You also could've dismantled the heating controls so she couldnt keep turning the fucker off. heck, i'd turn it up even hotter before removing the knob, ya know?
    Unless she had a gun you're pretty safe i'd say. I think he was more worried about someone else grabbing you in the hallway or so. But, if it was me grabbing you to take you away, you might not have a job afterwards.
    I know it's not legal, but just explain to the cop that it's very foggy out and you're trying to be a safe as possible. They'll probably just tell you to turn your lights on or whatever and let you go, thats all.
    Some cars actually have night vison cameras in them so the fog doesn't mean squat. Besides, next time it's super foggy out, turn your headlights off(leave the marker lights on) and you'll see a million times better.
    Its a gary busey family portrait....i cant stop giggling at it. How've you been doll? I've missed your company today......again.
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