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  • well, actually the brakes could squeak when youre on them but thats a different situation entirely. Just a noise thingy.
    The brakes won't squeak when you're on them, only when you're off them(and moving down the road). Tell you what, go out when you get a chance and push down on the fender over the wheel making noise a few times really hard. That'll tell you if it's a bushing or not.
    It depends on the squeak. It could be your brakes getting low, or something as harmless as a hubcap rubbing a bit the wrong way, or even a bushing that needs some greasing.
    It gets really freakin hot here during the summer(with a ton of humidity to boot) but its nice this time of year here. Oh, yeah we get hurricanes like a mother here in the summer too. I'd prefer to be in a much cooler place myself, but i'd dig any place i was with you.
    You know if you'd come to Florida you wouldn't have to worry about the ice and snow, doll. Plus, you could keep me occupied also.
    It was actually busy here, but i was missing you pretty good. How was yours, doll?
    Good afternoon, love. I'm glad youre back. I was just starting to go through withdrawls.
    Damnit lady, i say you have a gorgeous smile and you'd better take the compliment or else! Have a good evening, love. Cheers!
    Nope. Not there. Not too many of you, either. Actually a couple of nice ones of you smiling, though.
    No, i didnt see any pics of me there. It wouldn't have been embarrassing to me, though.
    Yeah, definitely, if they backed into you then it's certainly not your fault. F**k 'em then.
    And i'm glad to be back with you, dear. And it's no problem you going on. I love listening to you.
    I do that as well. I cant understand how people like my ex or my mom will drive around for almost an hour just to get a spot close to the door. I'll park out in the next county over and walk in and get what i need and still be out of the store before she's even parked yet.
    Cool. I got your e-mail too. It almost looks like they built a few houses over one whole lane of the road. Oh, and don't mind me, i'm being nosy again and perusing your photobucket account.
    Well I got home and opened a beer, spoke to my Mum who told me not to worry about it, I was expecting police on my doorstep if they'd said I didn't stop and then worried because I'd just opened a beer. My friend who works in a garage doing insurance estimates said I have nothing to worry about, he told me to deny all knowledge that I did anything wrong and that the fact that there were no witnesses helps. It must have been me hitting him though, he couldn't hit me with his back end. So yeah, a fun weekend.
    F**k 'em if they did. You stopped and they didnt. It's too late now for them to cry and bitch about it. Besides, as long as you're ok thats all that matters to me.
    You've been very lucky then. That part you're refering to sounds to me like a description of the fender. And just how are you going to be in trouble?
    Yes, i unfortunately am. I'll be missing and thinking of you too, doll. Have a nice weekend. Cheers!
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