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  • I loved him. You have most excellent skills, my lady. Heck, at this point, i love ANYTHING you do.
    Especially in my job. That can cause lots of wrong parts to be ordered and create a shitload of angry customers and technicians. I really do want to hear your voice though. I guess all i can do is just keep plugging away at the phone company until it gets resolved.
    Yeah. Dai(the tech i was mentioning previously) speaks english, he's just got 2 accents piled on top of each other so he's hard to understand sometimes.
    You'd get my accent. It's not that bad....just when i get tired or aggravated i start to go heavy on the Jersey. And don't worry about that with your boss.....i have a master tech here who's Cambodian and from the bayou in Louisiana, so a broken english/cambodian/cajun accent is a motherfucker to understand at times and i have to have him repeat himself every now and then. He doesn't mind it though. Between him and the Mexican customers i have with their broken spanglish and i have to have people repeat themselves constantly here.
    The bitch about it is that all i want to do is TALK TO YOU. And its driving me insane.
    I'm on a no contract plan that has true unlimited text/ long distance(in the states only) and it only costs me $48.00 a month
    I had to upgrade a service on my phone for $3.00 a month, then get an international calling card for $10.00, then i have to call through the phone card to call overseas. And it won't go through.
    Damnit. Why the hell can't i call you?!!?? I've done EVERYTHING my provider said i had to do and it still won't work.
    It just proves your postal service is better than ours. You didnt get any odd bal calls last night did you? I tried using my calling card to call you like 15 times and it didn't work.
    Good morning, love. Guess what? I GOT YOUR CARD YESTERDAY!!!! And guess what else? I tried to call you last night and of course, i couldn't get through. I'm starting to get really pissed off about this cell phone bullshit. Oh, and i must say, you've got the most awesome handwriting i've seen in a long time.
    Ok. Sorting socks would be an enjoyable venture with you there. Have a good evening beautiful.
    Ok, love. I'll take care of that for ya. And yes, you are the kind of person i can see myself spending a lot of time with.
    Thom basically agrees with me about how wonderful you are.....and beautiful and intelligent and that you've got ridiculously good taste too. His only concern was that he wasn't sure if you really wanted him to e-mail you some of his work because you didn't give him your e-mail address.
    Yes, you are. And Thom and i talk about you constantly. Well, it's mostly me, but you get the drift.
    Yes, you and i do have quite a bit in common....and not just an interest in each other.

    I find myself at times thinking stuff like "man, i wish she was here' or 'oh yeah she'd dig this' and 'i'd bet she'd like this' and 'she'd enjoy this' and things like that. You are very distracting to me at times did you know that?
    Hmmm, i just checked it online and it is 5 hours difference. If i'd have paid attention to the fact you're on GMT, i could've told you the difference anyways. Duh to me.

    And what do i do to you anyways? Could it be the same that you do to me? Derail my thoughts at times?
    How'd you come up with 8? You came up with 5 before and that seemed to be correct. Now i'm all screwed up. So how do you get a merit for a note?
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