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  • Court, as usual, was a waste of my time. The defendant changed his plea to 'guilty' so we basically showed up for nothing. ASE stands for Automotive Service Excellence, and it's the highest standard of training in the states for automotive work. Sorry you feel so bad, doll. I hope you get better soon.
    Hey hon, i'm back from court. What do you mean never qualified as a mechanic? I turned wrenches for more than 20 years, doll. I just got tired of dealing with people, thats all. Hell, i even had full ASE certification for almost 12 years before i let them run out.
    Mmmmmm.....i like those scratches. Hell scratching, biting, whatever. Bring it on. Its all copasetic to me. And i thought Iggy was pretty straightforward with his statement.....just wipe your ass front to back so you don't get get shit stuck all over the important stuff.
    Ya, i believe you. But if you needed to pick away, it wouldn't bother me one bit. 5mm is long enough for a good toot of yay as well.....
    As long as it isn't one of those ridiculous 'french manicures', then it's ok. How long are your claws anyways?
    Please, don't ever apologize to me, hon, theres no need for it. Ever. Besides, i highly doubt you could do anything to me that would require an apology anyways. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better now.
    Sorry to hear you're sick..............I suggest chicken soup, juice, extra blankets, a good book or TV all day. :-) My brother is a doctor so I know! LOL ....about that de-snot thing, they make decongestants :-) Anyway, hope you feel better soon. Tony
    Stock up on your zinc and vitamin c....thats what i do when i feel something coming on to head it off. Works very well for me.
    Hes trying to butter you up before you find out what he did wrong and kick his ass for it. I used to do that too when i was younger. And it never lessened the asskicking either. Have fun at work, love. Cheers!
    I'm not sure. I know mine tends to be mostly upper case, but it also tends to slant more and more forward the more tired i get. So yeah, it probably is. And chicken scratch is basically illegible handwriting.....like the marks a chicken makes on the ground with it's claws looking for food.
    Define 'typical male writing' please. I hope you don't mean 'is it chickenscratch?'. I happen to thing my handwriting is rather legible. And how did i make your day? I happen to think you make mine a lot more often.
    Christmas and New Years are both on thursdays. That would suck if you had to work both of those days.
    Exactly. Thats why i started to get really aggravated. Even i knew where the hell Kent was before i met you, doll. Jeez, people are stupid sometimes. But, this is America...land of the free and home of the morons. Oh and the only days i have off during the Holidays are Christmas day and New Year's day. What days do you have off? Is your family coming over to your place or are you going to theirs? I'll be at my sisters again for Christmas, and on new years i'll be at home.
    Good morning, doll. What little i did find out about it love is this. My provider says they can't even find Kent on their system. The lady on the phone kept asking me whats the location and i kept saying Yalding and she said 'it's not in my system'. So she says 'whats the county name?'and i said Kent and she said 'nope, can't find that either' and then asks me 'whats the nearest city' and i replied 'its LONDON. Ever heard of it? Quaint little place. nice folks too. Think ya can find that effing town?'. Yeah, i was getting really aggravated at that point.
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