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  • You know, i'm sure you can cook fine. You just might have too many fussy eaters around you. In fact, i can almost prove it. You cook a lot of the same things as me. The only difference i can see is, when and if i put my mind to it, i can cook some really complicated stuff. And i bet you can too. You just tell people you can't cook, and i tell them i can because i know i can IF i want to.
    If you click on 'view conversation', you don't have to worry about making sure it gets to the right place, doll. And don't worry, what you can't cook, i'm sure i can.
    I can drink it warm, that doesnt bother me too much. Watch out though, i go for the biggest size with the most percentage. I'd try anything you make too.
    There's nothing wrong with being open about stuff.....especially if it's your kids being open to you about stuff. Just make sure he knows the rules of what is and isn't appropriate for situations. And no, if i was there visiting you guys i certainly would not be licking my 'bits' as you put it. Talk about inappropriate!
    Sounds like happiness abounds over there. All you need now is me to be there and then it's a party!
    Nope, i still couldnt think of anything. Sorry about that. So what else is going on over there?
    Hmmm....i really cant think of any music appropriate for an earthquake, well maybe except for some deathmetal or such....
    I had to go out to the farm and work on that damn 1970 Camaro again. So i basically worked, drank beer, had a cook-out, and watched some football on tv. And, the best part is that i got paid to do it too!
    Thats exactly it. You've held yourself back at times(answer-wise), but with a little gentle persuasion(from some of us here) it eventually comes out. Most especially with somewhat personal things.

    I'd call that a bit of shyness, wouldn't you?
    Actually, i didnt remember it because its your Queens name, but because its YOUR name. And you can look at me any way you want(well, unless it's with hatred, then no you cant). I noticed the shyness once or twice before, but thats ok dear.
    Thats ok, i've never dated a Kate or Katharine before either. The only Kate i knew back then was my older brother's best friend's girlfriend(and she was hot)
    Well, if most of them were jerks than please don't lump me in with those clowns. But just remember i'm very congenial so call me whatever you want. And i'll call you whatever YOU prefer as well.
    So you want me to e-mail that donkey's ass picture so you can put it by me on your phone?
    What about that second track i e-mailed you? The one called 'day2001' by Atjazz? That would make a killer ringtone. You'd just have to get it from the middle of the song, ya know? And when i first read MLP, i was thinking "major league player"...
    Yeah, call me dumbass, i guess i should've figured that one out, huh? Just make my ringtone something lounge-y, would you?
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