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  • Depends on the time of year. It can get cold as hell there in the winter, but it does get super freakin hot in the summer. Wintertime averages were in the 20s to 40s F....depending on which state you're in. Those are NJ's averages.
    Sure. We used to hike and camp in the appalachians all the time. The winter camping was the most fun. We'd bring our cross country skis and go for miles on the ridgelines.
    Actually, if you like the woods, you'd probably really enjoy being the the appalachian mountains here. Did you ever see the movie 'Last of the Mohicans' with Danial Day-Lewis? That was filmed in the appalachians.
    My side work is prepping a couple of used cars for some touch up paint work. Easy money. I'll take Con out to the farm with me.....only if you come along also. Actually, i'd put him to work. He'd have a grinder in his hand in a second, helping us grind down a shitload of welds on a Camaro we're fixing. And yes, we do have speed cameras here. In fact, get this. A couple of kids stole the license plate off of a police car, stuck it on their car, and drove back and forth in front of the camera downtown here at 80 mph(in a 25 zone) like a hundred times a few months ago. The city was not thrilled with having like $15,000 in fines and tickets assessed to themselves. Personally, i thought it was brilliant.
    It's not mean. I cant stand trick or treaters myself. I just keep the outside light off, and that usually gives them the hint that i'm not receptive to them. As for the rest of the weekend, i'm going to try to vote early saturday morning, then i've got some side work to do. Then i'm going out to spend the night at my friend's farm, because he lives near the dragstrip and there's a big race going on out there sunday. What do you have planned?
    I think you just bring it to a boil then let it simmer for like 10 minutes. I usually just bake eggplant. So what else did you get at the store?
    We wouldn't be stuck for long dear. I can assure you of that.

    Unless, of course, you wanted to.
    "Talk", huh? I knew i liked you for a reason. Well, many reasons actually. You know if you were me and got stuck, you'd be up shit's creek. Nobody stops to help a guy out. At least me anyways.
    Hmmmm it seems to me that you seem to get stuck in the woods an awful lot, huh? LOL
    Oh, and yeah you can use a stocking for a drivebelt but it wont last very long. And yeah, i can fix your gearbox for you. Getting it over here is gonna be a bitch, though.
    How about yes, yes, yes and not necessarily. I can fix ANYTHING on a car or truck or motorcycle, dear.
    Its where i keep my big tool, silly.

    Nah, its because i'm a car/truck/lawnmower/motorcycle/bicycle mechanic, remember?
    I absolutely LOVE fish. I live in an area that has an awesome fresh fish industry. I go almost every other day down to Cortez(the fishing village near here) to pig out. Oh, and celery doesn't really have any sort of taste, just texture. It's extremely bland.
    Oh, yeah i definitely don't do prawns or shrimp. Well, i'll tolerate shrimp ONLY in jambalaya. It just doesnt taste right if it doesnt have shrimp in it...and i LOVE cajun food. I like celery also. How do you not like it? I find it to be almost so bland it would seem to be harmless, you know?
    WEll, to be honest, the onbly foods i'm not crazy about are shellfish. Most of them anyways. Mussels, clams, oysters, etc. I can't stand them actually. Other than that, i've more or less thoroughly enjoyed everything i've eaten. And i've ate some really weird things. Question for you. How much does your government charge you to renew your passport? I haven't used mine since 1993 and it expired, and now these maniacs here want $200 to renew it AND it takes a couple of months to get it. But, you can pay them an EXTRA $60 and they'll get it to you in a week or so. What is that madness about?
    Your math appeared to be spot on. If not, i won't pay attention. Hey isn't Lambchop a puppet? I can honestly say i'm not sure if i've ever had mint sauce. I'm willing to give it a try though. Hell, i'll try anything at least once, you know? Oh, and i call you beautiful because you are.
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