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  • Wow, 5 is the highest? I'm so jealous. I dont blame that kid for staring and conversing....i'd do the same if i was in your presence.
    It'll warm up to about 23c or so later on today, but then its going to drop again tonight. but not to worry, it's going to warm up by the end of the week again.
    Actually when you sent that, i was just arriving here at work. And yeah, it was a bit nippy riding a mountain bike in 4 degrees celsius weather to work, but i like it because it wakes me up big time. My friends and i who all ride liken it to taking a cold shower...if that doesn't wake you up then basically you're dead, you know?
    I like SM actually....and yes, i meant it both ways. But whatever you want to name me is cool with me . I'm easy that way. One of the first things i want to get with the money i'll be saving here soon is a laptop...so watch out. I may just jump out and surprise you one evening.
    Spinach rocks. And yeah a tomato is a fruit(ya got me on a technicality). And the only reason i don't post on here when i'm trashed is because i only have online access at work. Remember, no comp at home. IF i did have one, you'd be in deep shit because i'd try to keep you up all night long.
    I love brussel sprouts....and basically all vegetables. My fave(besides hot peppers obviously) is asparagus and tomatoes. I couldn't live without either of them, seriously. And you told me Murphy's name before, thats how i knew it, doll.
    It's not the spelling, dearest, it's the way you 'present' and 'carry' yourself with your writing on here. Oh, and a lock cylinder is what you stick the key into to either start the car or open the doors or boot. And yes, it's because Murphy chewed on the remote thats why it donesnt work too well for you. Just go to a dealership and get a new one.
    Sorry i've been gone for so long. We got busy as fuck here(as well as i had to build a lock cylinder for a customer and that sucked too) at work. as for your intelligence, you display it whenever you post. It actually kind of chilly here for Florida....super windy out and in the low 50's F. WooHoo!!! I love this weather!
    I prefer women who are very easy on the eyes and have the ability to make intelligent conversation. Personality and brains are a big deciding factor for me. Age really doesnt really matter at all(well, to a point obviously), and neither does body type. It's whats between the ears that counts. And you apparently seem to very qualified. Too bad you're like 8000 miles away. Oh well. Nothing i can do right now about that. Anyways, my plant just being a pain because it`'s got trillions of nodes on it and only 1 flower and 8 peppers on it. Not very prolific for a 3 foot tall plant, ya know?
    Your caps lock was on because your son just posted on here about 10 minutes ago....and probably read everything else. As for who you go for, i havent the slightest idea....but perhaps a hint or so. And i've only got one plant this year. It's a caribbean red thats being a royal pain in the ass.
    Actually, i thought about you when i was having lunch saturday....mostly about how nice it wouldve been to have lunch with you in person.
    Plus what? Don't leave me hanging here....rememeber, you started this.

    Oh, yeah, the feelings mutual, doll.
    The moving sucked as usual, but it is done. Finally. I was dreading it because i'm such a pack rat. I used the same truck i used to move into that apartment 4 years ago, but now it took 7 truck loads to move out and it took 3 to move in. That means if this truck has a bed thats 105 square feet in area, i've managed to collect another 420 square feet of crap in 4 years.....and thats even after i threw out about a truck load and a half. God i've got so much shit. i guess i'll be spending more time tossing shit out for a while now. So satisfy my curiousity....why would you miss me more now than before?
    Actually i'm saving over $250 a month by moving....it's just a major hassle, though. And i'd love to try your cooking. I'd be willing to bet it better than you think it is. Have a wonderful weekend, doll. I'll be thinking about ya. Cheers!
    Clowns feet are fitting if you're a clown, dear...which i am(not literally, of course, just figuratively).
    Size 4 is a perfect size for a woman(to me anyways). Ya, i'm not working tomorrow, but i'd rather be than moving because thats always a pain in the ass, but i need the savings i'll be getting in rent so oh well. And yeah, i think you were about spot on for the UK shoe size thing for me. So i guess it mean i've got big floppy feet then. I guess i should go out and get myself some big red floppy shoes now.
    Shoe size, huh? Depending on the manufacturer it's a 10 1/2 to 11 wide. Why? heh heh heh
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