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  • Yeah, i noticed that part definitely, beautiful. But you and i could have some porblems because there are times where i'm just as stubborn as you. And if we're at odds at that moment then all hell's going to break loose.
    I would prefer to be organised but i just cant do it. I'm too impulsive and random to be super organised.
    You'll be fine, love. And if you cant see the screen then you'll have no choice but to CALL me.
    So you're nearsighted then? I think thats the term. perhaps if you go they'll get you the proper eyeglass prescription so you wont be so blind.
    I like talk radio. Well it depends on what the subject matter is. I really like NPR here, if only because the content tends to be very open-minded. I mean, how can you go wrong with a radio talk show called the "lesbian lunchhour" amyways?
    Most definitely into RB stuff. Ya, i've heard of BBC radio one. I havent listened to it in a while though. Its tough to get here in Florida. Hell i watch BBC America constantly on tv.
    I dont follow R n B that much(i do follow RB a lot though). I dont hate it but i just dont follow it, if that makes any sense at all.
    Are you kidding? Of COURSE i do. You have no idea how much you're on my mind, huh? Try ALWAYS. Yes, just like the Pet Shop Boys song. Well, actually its a Willie Nelson song that they redid but i like their version better.
    A female pitbull/boxer mix named Mercy and a male purebred pitbull named Strawberry. I think i told you that already.
    It was okay, i guess. I've been house sitting for a my friend Jamie and since his farm is so far away i basically hung around his place staring at the dogs.
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