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  • I started to, but then i found out my phonecard is out of money. So i'm going to have to recharge it. And i dont wanna wait until tuesday, i want you NOW!!
    Yes, it does. Maybe i'll try to physically call you this weekend. IF you dont mind, of course. Take care.
    Yes, you could still solve it, it was just much harder for some reason. But if i could do it now? I doubt it highly. I put my cube down well over 20+ years ago. And yeah, i've played that solitaire game before and i usually fail at it miserably.
    That was a thing we used to call "cube continuity"(or the term i liked was a "virgin" cube), meaning if you had a cube that someone already solved once by taking apart for some reason those ones were much harder to solve normally after the fact. We couldn't prove the whole "continuity" thing but that rumor ran rampant at the competitions for years.
    Yes, you can actually. Dont forget, i was in school when those were all the rage. I spent many hours honing my craft on those. Just think though, i wasnt anywhere near the fastest kid in school with a cube. Not by a long shot.
    Oh, hell yes. I used to be able to master those bad boys within like 15 minutes or so.
    Not exactly. I dont ever touch the till. We have a cashier for that. I take care of the techs that work here and their needs mostly. So if you've ever brought your car into the dealership for repairs, when the technician who checks the car out goes into the parts department for part prices and availability and such, they're talking to the "back counter" parts guy. Thats me here. I also have to handle the phones along with my co-worker. he handles most of the wholesale side and walk up customers, and i handle the techs hereon the back counter. We split the bodyshop orders about 60-40 though in his favor.
    No, doll. I may act like i'm not paying attention, but i really am. Especially to what you say. Yes, you are that important to me. I know exactly what you do for a living. You've told me plenty of times, hon.
    No, not really. I like my job a lot. Thats why i've been here for almost 10 years. Its just the pressure that gets to me sometimes. And the asshole customers. But, i cant go mountain biking while i'm at work. Thats why i really like my days off. So i can ride.
    Only reason i could think of to hate having a full weekend off is it just makes going back to work on monday that much harder.
    I'm pretty good. Mostly because i get 2 days off after today. How about you? How's yo fine ass doing?
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