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  • Interesting. I've never even bothered with what they mean, just i know them by heart. Oh, and my bank account numbers also. I hate going into the bank and having to dig around for the numbers and shit, so i memorized them also.
    Wow. I have mine memorized. That and my social security number and my drivers license number(you can thank the US Air Force for that).
    Instead of wrapping it back up if you do indeed unwrap it do you have a nice gift bag laying around you could put it in? And honestly, when i was that age, wrapping paper didn't mean shit to me. I could've done with or without it. My mom used to get pissed at my pop because he was like me and didn't care if a gift was wrapped up or not so whenever he got me something as a gift he'd just hand it to me. My mom always HAD to wrap it up nicely and stuff.
    Is the sensitivity on either side of the adam's apple? Or more on the sides of the neck? I think theres 3 glands it could be, thats why i was wondering if you've ever gone to a doctor about them.
    I think they're the most common ones to swell up when you have a cold. Have you ever been to a doctor about them since?
    Did you ask to speak to someone who enunciates a tad bit better? Not making a joke, but i've had to do that here a couple of times when dealing with some of Ford's tech lines.
    Sounds like you guys are having some fun today. Tell Connor i said Happy Birthday, even though i don't know him.
    No need for apologies, doll. I figured since you're English and i'm not that i'd just mention i'd never heard the term before, thats all.
    OKay, love. Have a wonderful evening. Cheers!

    BTW, i've never heard the term airing cupboard before. Silly me, huh?
    Mmmmm i love it when you're dirty and crude. So whats leaking at the house? Good to hear you had a nice evening, though.
    Yes, you are quite a lady indeed(no, i'm not being sarcastic either). And ya, my days much better than yesterday.
    Obviously not a manual that's to my disposal, we have one on the intranet but you could search that all day and not find what you want, I had less than half an hour to sort this problem out otherwise the guests would have been charged for late cancellation.
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