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  • Thank God their policies are spelled out so easily, huh? Don't they have some sort of operations manual at your disposal there to reference if need be?
    I'm better today. Yesterday was just a mess. Work was just effed up here, thats all. I got in touch with Avi. I can't figure out why i could drive to where she is in 2 hours but it takes a week to get a card to her i the mail. Thats the pain in the ass part. Her birthday is saturday and i was hoping to mail a card out to her but i guess i'm just going to have to deliver it personally just so it makes it on time.
    Just punctures? I've gotten black eyes, scrapes, cuts, bruises and punctures from off roading. And i love it. Like the saying goes, if you ain't dirty or bleeding, you ain't truly mountain biking!
    You know what? I really wasn't sure i was right about this one, dear. However, armed with this information, i say you sneeze all over the source of your cold tomorrow night.Fuck it, sneeze in their food too.
    But doesnt it change a little bit from every physical body it has infected? I thought i read that somewhere.
    I believe you can pass it back and forth, dear. And yeah, i do know some people who medicate the hell out of themselves when they catch cold......even though you explain to them that they're wasting their money.
    Ah. But your response on the phone didnt seem bitch snotty to me. Of course, i wasnt there to hear your tone either.
    Snotty? As in your nose is all stuffed up snotty? Or as in you're just acting like a pompus, stuck up bitch snotty?
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