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  • I can see why your boss was pissed at your colleague. And you shouldn't be blaming yourself, dear. It wasn't time for your shift yet.
    I'm very good. So your co-worker didnt do shit to try to sort out the computer problem yesterday?
    I'm sorry to hear that, love. Maybe you'll get lucky and someone else will show some initiative and get the work done before you get it.
    Yes i'm going after work, but not alone. I'm going with my friend Jeff. We'll have about 3 solid hours of riding before it gets too dark out.
    It's been good here. I'm getting really excited to go off road mountain biking this week. I can't wait. Should be wednesday evening after work or possibly thursday.
    It was cool. I saw quite a bit of cool stuff. The coolest thing i found was a machine called an "art-o-mat". Its a refurbished cigarette machine that dispenses tiny original pieces of artwork for about $5 each. I got ta tiny little hand made piece of art glass from it thats really cool.
    DMV = Department of Motor Vehicles
    DUI = Driving Under the Influence (of booze, drugs, etc.)
    DWR = Driving While license is Revoked.

    Hope that helps hon.
    Well, the DMV stuff doesn't carry against you here unless it's something major like a DUI or an accident with death or injuries. Bullshit like really old DWRs don't have an impact on you.
    What makes you so sure? I never got caught for the really bad things i did, just the stupid ones, like driving with a revoked driver's license. 3 times, to be exact.
    So you like to kick the shit out of cops, huh? I usually try to avoid confrontations with people who have guns, tasers, badges and radios, you know?
    Nah, I have one for assault on a WPC, but the problem was I did it on another WPC when on a 12 month suspended sentence and it had only been months gone. I was going to say it wasn't serious assault, just a slap or kick but that's bad enough. The first WPC in court asked for me not to have any kind of punishment. I had to pay a fine, well compensation to her. The second time the judge never asked for compensation, maybe because she slapped me around the face first. I got 18 months probation. This was years ago though, but God I regret it more than anything.

    It was Zero 7 Destiny that was playing as I got to the second round about after coming out of the interview.
    So do you have a lot of previous criminal records then? And i'm not sure if you told me what song it was or not.
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