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  • The places around here that charge that much at least give you a continental breakfast the next day gratis.
    A bit on the high side for budget, isn't it? Budget here is like 39 dollars a night. I thought your place's website said it was closer to 60 something pounds a night, right? Or maybe i'm just insane, who knows?
    I havent seen sewing kits at the hotels or motels here in years. i wish i did, because i'd scarf 'em up in a second. I can always use needle and thread.
    So you don't ever pocket the complimentary soaps and shampoos the hotels give you when you leave? Wait a second. Don't you have access to that kind of stuff where you work anyways?
    I got the pound part dear, but what i meant was i've never spent that much on groceries. But, then again, i didn't add in the beer either.
    $126? It takes me a few weeks to spend that much on groceries. But, then again, you are shopping for 3 people.
    Okay then love i'll chat with you tomorrow hopefully. Have a wonderful evening. Cheers!
    God you're just like me, I have the same pin for everything I can, not a good thing, but one of them was just given to me and I haven't changed it yet. I only know it because it makes a certain pattern when I have to enter it with a card on a machine. My password varies and I can can always take a good guess at it, it only varies as some places ask for 6 figures and others 8.

    Dinner now. See you tomorrow. x
    Yeah, my phone is my alarm clock also. I don't keep pin numbers in it though. Those and passwords i manage to retain well. Plus, i have and still use the same pin number for almost everything(and have done so for YEARS now), but its such an long and archaic number i highly doubt anyone could figure it out on their own.
    I try not to depend on my phone that much, but i do anyways. I can barely remember anyone's phone number as it is.
    The portability is a major plus for me. Thats why i never got a PC. I can't stand the idea that i couldn't "take it with me".
    Ok, cool. I was really worried about not being able to chat with you, doll. And nothing has changed for me either, just so you know.
    I can't wait for your holiday to be over, actually. No offense intended, but not being able to chat with you for a couple of weeks will probably kill me. As for reading your mind, of course i can. According to you, we're soulmates. Well, you said that once to me, but that was a while ago. Things may have changed for you.
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