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  • Thank you. Yes, Oklahoma is just north of Texas and dead smack in the middle of tornado alley.
    The only time i'd think about them again is when it's full and something has to be deleted to make room for even MORE stuff.
    Crap, huh? So why have it then if you consider it crap? Just kidding. I understand completely, dearest. I'd do the same thing.
    Too much bullshit to contend with, you know? Sometimes simpler is better. Well, to a point anyways. So why did you buy a bigger memory card if the old one wasn't even filled up yet? Why didnt you just get another one the same size?
    Ya, keep me posted on that one, hon. So why don't you leave England if you're always so cold?
    He's here at work, daydreaming of friday. How are you today? And why don't you have any heat?
    It's straight jacket day here......or to put it more honestly, a fucking madhouse. How are you doing today?
    Thats crazy. What kind of schedule is that? And how the hell are you supposed to keep up?
    Well, i was trying to time you working an afternoon shift by attempting to call you in the morning, but it would seem i've gotten those days confused.
    Usually between 10 and 11, but it takes me a good bit to fall asleep. What time do you hit the hay?
    Oh, i was up around 5 am. I always am. Thats when i was trying to call you. I figured catching you early on either day of the weekend would be the easiest for you. Maybe i'm wrong about that though. I don't have to leave until 8 am to get out to the farm by 9.
    If we could sustain it then yes, because i enjoy being my own boss. There are days, however, that i lack the discipline to get my ass out of bed for work. I really dread having to be up and out there on a sunday(like i had to yesterday) at 9am.
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