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  • unfortunately it also means i'll never be a millionaire either. Thats a field that you basically will work yourself to death in.
    No. I just graduated high school. I never finished college either. I have done some trade schools though.
    Oh, yes i do also. If i knew then what i know now i'd have hard core busted my ass in school just to make life easier now. Like the smart kids in school did.
    I, unfortunately, lean towards procrastination at times. Think about it this way.....the motto in my high school yearbook under my name was "don't put off for tomorrow what you can avoid altogether".
    Don't sweat it. I've looked at a sink full of dishes before and said 'fuck it' and went to bed many times. I try not to be like that but sometimes i'm just too tired to care. Besides, since i don't usually sleep all that well i'll wind up doing them around 3 or 4 in the am most times.
    You have a very sweet, friendly face. Rather innocent looking too. Thats what does it.
    I just don't want the extra headaches and responsibility without getting any extra pay for it. Which is exactly what would happen.
    No i made one promotion. I started in the warehouse, and after 2 years they promoted me to a parts counterperson. I don't want any other promotions thats for certain. Fuck being management.
    My thinking is usually along the lines of "well, at least i didn't fuck it all up this time!".
    Crazy yet again, but nowhere near as bad as yesterday. I've actually got a grip on things today. Consider it "controlled chaos". Usually the beer thing only helps the hangover part, not having low blood sugar. At least not for me anyways.
    I wouldn't see how they'd survive much past being born but yeah, i guess with a colostomy bag they could live.
    I barely have any patience either. I have to 'check' myself quite often actually. Usually it involves walking away for a minute or so and repeating to myself "fuck it, it's not worth the headache". As for that statement, it's 100% true. Thats how i don't let about 95% of what other people say bother me at all. Just by remembering that statement.
    You have one hell of an imagination, dear. Think more like a pissy bastard running around like a chicken with it's head cut off and you have a good picture of whats been going on today so far. I've got most of it sorted out for now. Lets just see if something else sneaks up on me and bites me on the ass this afternoon.
    Good thinking. I'd have to agree with that shit day thing. I guess you really can't appreciate a good day without a crappy one. Sounds like your night was exactly like my day today is so far. We're short one person because he's on vacation for the week and apparently he was in "short-time" mode last friday because everything he ordered for customers has been WRONG and i'm having to do major damage control now.
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