Recent content by Rhody

  1. Rhody

    seed-plant-vendors Best Business Practices... BakersPeppers... $ 5,000 Facts... No Drama... Admins... No Trolls in this

    This is to inform you that Baker's has not made good on repaying his loan of $ 4000 to me by the date that   The Hot Pepper set, he has not responded to my inquiry on repayment.  All I have to say is that we are not done here, he will be   hearing from me soon, who knows, I may plan a vacation...
  2. Rhody

    no chili its true

    no chili its true
  3. Rhody

    seed-plant-vendors Best Business Practices... BakersPeppers... $ 5,000 Facts... No Drama... Admins... No Trolls in this

      Thanks Dan,   Life is too short to be dealing with stuff like this.
  4. Rhody

    seed-plant-vendors Best Business Practices... BakersPeppers... $ 5,000 Facts... No Drama... Admins... No Trolls in this

    I don't need many words to express my true self, I will make this brief, "you need mental help my friend".    You can rant on to your hearts content, I am done with you and this thread.   Let the chips fall where they may...   Rhody...
  5. Rhody

    seed-plant-vendors Best Business Practices... BakersPeppers... $ 5,000 Facts... No Drama... Admins... No Trolls in this

    I am here to report that Dale is not following through with his promises, in fact he is trying to blackmail me (see emails below).  Dale, you have no leg to stand on, you have admitted that the $ 5000 was a loan and have made $1000 in repayment already.    No more screwing around, I want the...
  6. Rhody

    Have at it....

    Have at it....
  7. Rhody


  8. Rhody

    Saw the Mark Wahlberg movie 'Lone Survivor' today

    Consider this...
  9. Rhody

    There is entirely too much drama around here, sometimes it feels like a reality show gone wrong...

    There is entirely too much drama around here, sometimes it feels like a reality show gone wrong...
  10. Rhody

    Tequila Blind Tasting Tour - requires smart phone App

    I know of a few here who like the stuff, I thought I would pass the word:   Rhody...  
  11. Rhody

    free ( Closed) FREE Box of Fresh Pods this Summer for FREE SEEDS Now

    BSPH,   Have you asked PepperLover, Judy about this ? I am betting she has confronted this problem before and may have a solution.   Rhody... :P
  12. Rhody

    seed-plant-vendors Best Business Practices... BakersPeppers... $ 5,000 Facts... No Drama... Admins... No Trolls in this

    I just got a PM from Dale and checked my bank account online.  You are correct Dale, the check did clear.   I am not dragging your name through the mud, you are good on making 20% payment (interest free, what a deal for you).   I think it is reasonable to ask in 4 or 5 months for the next...
  13. Rhody

    seed-plant-vendors Best Business Practices... BakersPeppers... $ 5,000 Facts... No Drama... Admins... No Trolls in this

    Dale,   You need to calm down and think this through, I am not calling you a criminal, I am upset with your behavior, which with a little creative energy on your part can be solved.  I am not going to speak on the phone about this, it turns into a he said versus he said.    Take a day or two to...
  14. Rhody

    seed-plant-vendors Best Business Practices... BakersPeppers... $ 5,000 Facts... No Drama... Admins... No Trolls in this

    You gave me a date, and an amount, 1,000 $, you did not fulfill your promise,  you were on vacation, eighteen months is enough, if you settle this quickly I will have the admins delete the thread and I will issue an apololgy to boot.  It is up to you.  I am not going to contact you in any way...
  15. Rhody

    seed-plant-vendors Best Business Practices... BakersPeppers... $ 5,000 Facts... No Drama... Admins... No Trolls in this

    I have remained patient for nearly two years involving a business loan of $ 5,000  that has not be repaid in part or whole from BakersPeppers in late March 2012 Here are the facts, and email timeline history.  I have contacted Dale, He has responded, first making excuses, then a promise to pay...