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  • Good I love sundays. Sleep in (an extra hour) then do nothing all day long.
    Good day to get on the bike. Get outside and enjoy your blessings.
    I don't currently have one, but I will
    YO 96strat
    Please tell me the story Waryx seeds. I know they are great, but dont really know the story.
    I'd like to hear it!
    My Nook is acting wierd and not letting me access the web. I am trying this old laptop instead. Phucking slow and a pain in the ass.
    old people tend to ruin electronics. even simple stuff like DVD players... they get all gummed up with hard candies and shit.
    Update on my militant new eating plan. Due to my type two diebetes I have chosen to try and get my sugar #s down and loose some wieght. Feeling AWESOME!!!! My 19 day average morning sugar #s average 126. This is huge because my last A1C was 11. I'm eating REALLY WELL. My next step will be to get a bike. Money is a bit tight, but I want to get a bike for both my so and myself. I was once quite active. The time has come to dig down deep and find my true self again!...
    Got a holloween party tonight. Wife is going as Velma with a box of Scooby snacks. I'm gonna write B O on one creek and O K on the other and go as FACEBOOK.
    Wife had us backout of going. She worked volunteering to prep for son's band performance and wore herself out. Poor thing crashed about the time the party was due to start. Oh well.
    My week # 1 of logging my food intake and documenting my morning diabetes blood sugar count, has me very incouraged. I averaged my morning numers andcame up with 146. Wooo hoooo!!!!! I was up in the 230-275 range. I have been eating GREAT and feel awesome!
    Good for you. I should probably do the same. When you actually log the dumb calories you consume its pretty crazy. Mine is mostly beer.
    OCD Chilehead
    OCD Chilehead
    Congrats! Excercise is key to keeping levels down as well. My dad, grandpa, 3 cousins and my brother had it. It runs in the family. My brother past away at 29 and my cousin past away last year. It's no joke. My cousin lost his leg and eye sight. Keep up the good work and strive to get off the insulin completely.
    I'm type two. Its all about my wieght. I do the insulin by choice. It works for me.
    Just saw a live comunity theater performance of Willy Wonka. It was WONDERFUL. Place could seat about sixty. Ompa lompa loopity doo. FUN!!!!
    I really don't give a shit if I'm fat ornot, but it greatly effects my diabetis. My a1c is at 11 and my morning numbers were between 230 and 350. I needed a change. I made an appointment with a nutritionist and have self stared a food log. Weird to document EVERYTHING that passes your gums. This insolin pen, however, seems to be magic. Sense starting with it (before every meal) my morning (fasting) sugar counts have been 126 yesterday and 140 this morning. Yep, from 300s down to norma...
    Funny you say that. If you'll notice there is no H in my handle. It is on purpose. I'm a poet that can't spell. The pt is just representing my last name Peters. Rymerpt = Poet Pete (the children's poet that can't spell)
    Cool - I like that!
    Wow me too :) very cool
    Dr tells me "I need you to stop at 80% full. I'm betting your dinner meal is your problem". I know I'm fat , but WTF? I'm diabetic type two and need to loose some wieght. Today I stated a food log. Fingers crossed I can endure a healthier life style. Been diabetic for about eight years now. Time to get more serious.
    I was given an insolin pen that seems to be helping. Time will tell.
    Have patience and don't get down if you have a bad day. We all fall off the horse once in a while. ( unless your the fall Guy then you fall off everything) Seriously i have faith in you brother. Hills are always hard to climb at first but the more you conquer the easier they get!! :)
    You can do it. I'm trying to lose some weight as well. I find that really focusing on chewing my food well and taking my time with each bite really helps me. I also start with a very small portion. I have the "clean your plate/don't waste food" mentality once it's on my plate... So it helps to start small
    Chicken bullion and fried balonga sammie
    Wait, I know, what about that sanwich from the breakfast club: white bread balogna sammie. Through out bologna add pixie sticks and Capt Crunch cereal. Trouble is what soup to pair with it. Hmmmm
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    You trashtalk weird.
    I'm just entertaining myself. Not trash talk.
    Nook charger arrived. HAPPY CAMPER!!!! I use the Nook for internet. I have been using my son's notebook. Happy to be back to familar grounds.
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