Recent content by ScovilleSweetheart

  1. S

    Good sweet peppers ?

    My favorites are the Italian frying peppers. I can barely stand the taste of bells after being introduced to fried pepper tapas.
  2. S

    movies Horror movie fans unite!

    Yes! So campy but cool. French horror movie ils. Scary and disturbing.
  3. S


    Now I am hungry. :halo:
  4. S

    music Best Reggae

    Seriously, no Dennis Brown??? Good thing I showed up to the party.
  5. S


    Thank you for the advice. I really would like something outdoors. I have an awesome pit area to use and want to upgrade it.
  6. S


    I'm the basic griller over a fire pit or on the gas grill. I LOVE rotisserie chicken. Any suggestions for a wood/charcoal rotisserie grill that isn't the bottom of the barrel or restaurant quality? I am having a hard time finding one online.
  7. S

    movies Horror movie fans unite!

    Dog Soldiers. A virtually unknown B movie. High on horror and humor. Totally campy. Completely satisfying. Also by Neil Marshall, The Descent. That, Dawn of the Dead (2004), and the Grudge/Ju-on series are the best horror films in the last 10 years.
  8. S

    music Best Reggae
  9. S

    music Best Reggae

    New music to listen to. :halo:
  10. S

    CHRISTMAS SPIRIT! Lets get into it.

    God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and The Holly and the Ivy.
  11. S

    New starwars

    I'm old school. Han shot first. Lucas is a sell out.
  12. S

    Pizza of the Month

    Yes, pizza isn't the same without the crushed red pepper.