Recent content by Slug

  1. Slug

    chinense It seems as though I've grown some Trinidad Scorpions. Now What??

    My second harvest of every year always goes straight into my giant food dehydrator to eventually become powder.  If you don't want to go the oven route and lack a food dehydrator, you can split them in half and leave them sitting around in an area with good air movement for several weeks. ...
  2. Slug

    What super hot is this?

      Which would be money better spent, anyway.  :D
  3. Slug

    Aleppo pepper splitting

    You're correct about the cause.  We've had very similar weather here recently and I lost several pods to the oppressive heat + daily torrential rain combo.
  4. Slug

    color Chocolate varieties

    Can be.  After a good meal, eat the tail end off a Naga or Scorpion to find out for sure.  Keep a glass of whole milk handy to sip on if you're not used to hot/superhot stuff and need to kill the burn.  Chocolate varieties often have an earthy or even slightly metallic taste to some people.  Not...
  5. Slug

    Excellent grow in 100% composted Manure

    That one cucumber looks suspiciously like a mango.  Better check it for listening devices...
  6. Slug

    Assume you're already familiar with "The Heavy". If not, 'Big Bad Wolf' off the 'How You Like...

    Assume you're already familiar with "The Heavy". If not, 'Big Bad Wolf' off the 'How You Like Me Now?' EP brings it. They got a lot of good stuff past what you've heard in trailers/games.
  7. Slug

    Mike, be sure to look up Dan Auerbach's solo stuff too. He's just got too much music in him for...

    Mike, be sure to look up Dan Auerbach's solo stuff too. He's just got too much music in him for Black Keys alone.
  8. Slug

    Black Angels. Hit up 'Young Men Dead' for a quick taste. (When you need a break from blues...

    Black Angels. Hit up 'Young Men Dead' for a quick taste. (When you need a break from blues, check The Goddamn Gallows - 'The Maker' for a bluegrass death metal fix.)
  9. Slug

    Girlfriend was ordering Chinese one night and covered the phone mid-order: "hey, what's the soup...

    Girlfriend was ordering Chinese one night and covered the phone mid-order: "hey, what's the soup that looks like diarrhea?" Hot and Sour? "Yeah! Thanks!"
  10. Slug

    When you feel proud, remember that Ed Coan is 20 years older and out there somewhere warming up...

    When you feel proud, remember that Ed Coan is 20 years older and out there somewhere warming up with more than you'll likely ever max.
  11. Slug

    The Paleo diet just died

      I know the feeling.  Fellow linebackers had the same body as me, ate garbage, and recovered fully from leg day before my soreness had even peaked.  Genetics are definitely a thing; as are 'newbie gains', but never forget that even soccer moms will juice when you're watching folks around you...
  12. Slug

    The Paleo diet just died

    Eat healthy foods/macros in the right amounts for your current lean mass and goals, lift heavy shit, do cardio, hydrate, put down the phone at night and go to freaking bed.  If you haven't even plateaued a lift and think you need to get more specific than that to make progress (gain or loss)...
  13. Slug

    Farewell white bell pepper #5, you were a plant to me.

    I've had plants do that during hottest days of summer in spite of watering when the soil they were in had poor water retention, but your whole bed should be suffering to at least an extent and not just that one plant.  I'd probably harvest the peppers and carefully dig it up like NE said, and...
  14. Slug

    Job at 14 - Good or Bad?

    We were poor.  I started roofing houses to help my family when I was 12 because I was big for my age and "don't ask don't tell" is standard practice in cash businesses with a lot of migrant labor.  ;)  They didn't have the conveyor belts back then, so every day after school someone from the crew...
  15. Slug

    Vodka... what's your choice.

    Try Jewel of Russia if you can get it in your area.  It's a type 3 (govt designated best tier) Russian vodka made with mineral water and is one of the only true Russian style vodkas you will find as an export.  (Don't you dare put it in a mixed drink, heathen!)  Looks like mineral oil in the...