The weather has been staying reasonably safe and is supposed to stay that way for at least another week or so.. But it just HAILED for a few minutes. Will my plants be alright or would it be best to take them in now?
A couple of the first seed packs I sold a few months back (Cayenne & Super Chili) to a small Hydroponic shop owner in my county now has some massive plants, full of pods, growing in his shop using just one 600w light (I believe) in a small hydroponic setup. Gives me confidence that the seeds I'll be selling will do well
We got our first frost warning today grrrr.. I did my best to group my babies together as best I could to wrap them in plastic held down with rocks... I'm hoping that works.
Had a short trip to the Halifax area today.. Picked up a couple new plants: A "Pompeii Pepper" (a type of Bell, I believe) and what I believe to be Purple Cayenne (it wasn't labeled).
With humidity it's been staying around 30*C (~85*F) for the past couple of weeks at least and my outside plants are LOVING it. My Naglah used to put out maybe 2-5 pods at a time inside. Outside? Right now I'm seeing it start on around 12-18 just in the past week. Same with my best Habanero. So proud.
Planning to post a project/crowdfunding initiative on here. Which might be the most appropriate place to post it? The Marketplace, Forum Ads, or Promotions? (it is most certainly pepper-related)
Bloody hell! .. Finally get up the nerve to eat a Brown Naglah on video, survive it without touching milk or anything, and what happens? ZERO sound on the video *sigh*
Less than a week ago I planted 2 Reaper seeds and 3 Brown Naglah - all from my own pods. First Reaper popped tonight Hope it survives! *crosses fingers*