contest Growdown Throwdown 2025 - Resurrection


Okay guys and gals Rich is out, but that doesn't mean there isn't a war on the horizon! Here's what I propose to keep this tradition alive. Those who are still interested raise your hand and suggest a pepper you would like to grow. For obvious reasons we should stick to a stable variety and everyone should buy their seeds from the same source, as we did in 2020. with the yellow Fatalli from SSE. The other rules could remain the same as in previous editions:

1: If you vote, you must grow and show (no free lunch) and you must agree to the SASE requirement to enter.
2: Seeds are obtained by sending SASE to our volunteer seed liaison. (to be determined)
3: Since we are well into January, start them as soon as you get them.
4: Grow them all, however you want, but chose ONLY ONE plant to enter into the competition. Any cultivation method you please, but once you weigh the first harvest off your chosen plant, that's your forever plant, until the end. All weight entries are to be made from that plant the entire season.
5: You must participate and supply the other competitors with proof of life. Photos of the pack of seeds + each harvest and it's weight.
6: At the end of the year, all totals will be tallied up and the competitor with the MOST WEIGHT off a SINGLE PLANT in a SINGLE SEASON Wins.
7: The Growdown King is to be showered with gifts by all the losers.

The pepper that gets the most votes wiould be selected. What do you think?

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Im in, if we could choose a variety from or any other online store shipping almost worldwide it would be great and easier.

My choice of pepper would be aji dulce or lemon starrburst (should be more or less stable no?).
Im in, if we could choose a variety from or any other online store shipping almost worldwide it would be great and easier.

My choice of pepper would be aji dulce or lemon starrburst (should be more or less stable no?).
All right DP!

However stability is essential here otherwise it will be impossible to compare our results...
You posted the link to 2024 growdown there, not 2020. Here: Growdown Throwdown 2020 - Fatalii

I'm also in. I did choose my 2025 peppers already, so, I don't wanna look for different ones now on google to propose, that would be disastrous to me, so, I will have to vote for one @Deadpouk proposed xD Aji Dulce is a sweet one, I think I need more sweet ones... Those starrbursts were in my mind few months back tho, sound so fresh and nice... But I already have two similar looking ones. AGHHHHH.
I am going with Aji Dulce but will obviously be down with anything people choose.

I'm excited!
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@Pepper-Guru - sorry to hear you can't play, Rich. We all wish you the best, and a quick return to THP.

@Bou - I like the idea of trying to carry-on. I also like the idea of a single source for seed. I don't like the fact that everybody has to pay an inflated shipping rate. So, here's what I propose.

I'll volunteer to be Rich-Lite. I like SSE for several reasons, so I think they will make a good seed source. Once we pick a pepper from their List of Peppers, I'll do a bulk order and have it sent to me. Then, I'll distribute to whoever signs up. Assuming that's OK with everybody, I reduced the list to four candidates. The selection criteria I used was that most, if not all, state they are productive/high yielding and have high ratings, which is important to this competition.
They are:

Buran Pepper (sweet)**
Chervena Chushka Pepper (sweet)
Joe's Long Cayenne Pepper (hot)
Maules Red Hot Pepper (hot)
**my vote

If there is strong interest in a different pepper, we can add it to the list. I'll try to build a poll thread, so folks can vote.

A couple of stipulations:
1) I think we need at least 10 players to make this worth the time/effort
2) No newbies - folks that just signed up with THP and have no post count. I'm not looking to supply seed hoarders.

Now, I think we're getting short on time, so we'll need to decide yea or nay pretty quick.

So, what say all you awesome growers/competitors? Wanna play?
@Pepper-Guru - sorry to hear you can't play, Rich. We all wish you the best, and a quick return to THP.

@Bou - I like the idea of trying to carry-on. I also like the idea of a single source for seed. I don't like the fact that everybody has to pay an inflated shipping rate. So, here's what I propose.

I'll volunteer to be Rich-Lite. I like SSE for several reasons, so I think they will make a good seed source. Once we pick a pepper from their List of Peppers, I'll do a bulk order and have it sent to me. Then, I'll distribute to whoever signs up. Assuming that's OK with everybody, I reduced the list to four candidates. The selection criteria I used was that most, if not all, state they are productive/high yielding and have high ratings, which is important to this competition.
They are:

Buran Pepper (sweet)**
Chervena Chushka Pepper (sweet)
Joe's Long Cayenne Pepper (hot)
Maules Red Hot Pepper (hot)
**my vote

If there is strong interest in a different pepper, we can add it to the list. I'll try to build a poll thread, so folks can vote.

A couple of stipulations:
1) I think we need at least 10 players to make this worth the time/effort
2) No newbies - folks that just signed up with THP and have no post count. I'm not looking to supply seed hoarders.

Now, I think we're getting short on time, so we'll need to decide yea or nay pretty quick.

So, what say all you awesome growers/competitors? Wanna play?
Sounds perfect. I know you guys are going to kill it this year. Love the anti seed hoarder filter. Maybe even split the packs up and decrease the number of seed each contestant gets too. Make it less and less appealing to seed snipers. If they “lost my tags, killed my plant, grandma got sick can’t use her phone to take pics” or whatever, they can’t participate next year. Etc etc

As an aside, the first total yield growdown that I hosted was 2017 Aji Lemon Drop. Before that we weren’t doing yield, we were doing “tallest” and stuff. I changed the format in 2017 to a “Who can yield the most off a single plant” type thing.
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If there is strong interest in a different pepper, we can add it to the list. I'll try to build a poll thread, so folks can vote.

A couple of stipulations:
1) I think we need at least 10 players to make this worth the time/effort
2) No newbies - folks that just signed up with THP and have no post count. I'm not looking to supply seed hoarders.
I strongly agree!

Also, I would like to add the Chilhuacle Negro from Adaptative Seeds (wou doesn't like Mole?!).

I ordered there before and the shipping was less expensive than SSE, at least for canadian orders :



***Edit*** Depending on the number of participants, I may also have enough Tasmanian Black seeds in stock. For those who never heard of this variety before, it's a C. annuum reaching about 3 feet tall. The fruits are 3 to 5 inches long by 1 inch wide, thick-walled, crispy and juicy. A little sweet with a smoky aftertaste, really good raw and excellent in powder (spicy paprika!). The production level is quite high but they take a while to fully ripen as they seem to fall into iddle mode once completely black. There is a purple line on the placental tissue and the flowers are gorgeous too. Here are some photos from past seasons. A lesser known pepper that deserves more recognition, it's my favorite annuum I think!




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shoot, sorry to hear rich can't play. at least someone else will actually win first place.

i'll stay in the game if we choose tasmanian black, since black plants is my theme for the year.
TB first leaves are very dark but as the plant grows it appears more green than black/purple. The fruits, however, turn completely black before ripening to a dark red with black shades on the exposed side.
Why do sasbe, couldn't we just make orders ourselves and document the insides of letters etc? That makes it less problematic. You did order from these shops before, do they do cheating here less probable by giving away some papers or, I don't know, anything?