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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's 26F, on its way to 72F. Calling for sunny and very warm this afternoon. Makes me chuckle. When it's August and 100F/98% humidity, I wonder if we'll think 72F is "very warm". Anyway, went to Margarita Monday last night🍹. Ate too much. I'm still full this morning, lol. Need to run a few errands today, then maybe get down the hill to the garden. We'll see. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning. It's 50F on its way to 72F. Cooler today. It made it up to 79F yesterday! Not doing much today ..... overdid it working in the garden yesterday and my back is hurting this morning. Today, I need to get some quotes on getting the driveway re-graveled. I also need to get a couple of 20# propane tanks filled. That's about it. Grilling burgers this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. 39-62F. Shoulder MRI this AM, can’t wait for the results. I can’t do many activities if I have to raise my arms, but I got an hour of iris cleaning in yesterday. Slow but sure. At least the garlic and a few perennials are beginning to show.
Have a great Tuesday. Take care of pain and injuries. Be positive.
Good morning. It's 28F, on its way to 66F. Calling for mild with clouds and sun. A little cooler than yesterday, but still nice. Got sidetracked yesterday heading to the garden. Worked on cleaning up the carport instead. Sat down to take a break and got bit by a (now dead) mosquito. First warm day, and the bloodsuckers are already out. Even after the very cold Winter we had. That doesn't bode well for the upcoming Spring/Summer. Bummer. Need to do a dump run today, then maybe to the garden later. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning. It's 50F on its way to 77F. Another very nice day. The little yellow crocus flowers are out. Lots of wildlife on the go. I was sitting in the hot tub last evening and saw 6 turkeys and 2 deer out in the pasture. We've also got hundreds of geese and ducks flying in to feed in the corn field every morning and evening. Got a guy coming out this morning to give me a quote on driveway gravel refresh/spread. Futzing around in the garage and barn after that. @ DR: I've been seeing lots of insect activity. I've seen a few honeybees in the past week. It's weird to see them so early. Nothing is in blossom but the little crocus. Grilling sausages this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. 40-60F, just a beautiful few days of early Spring before you see any colors. Not too much planned for the day. The broccoli seeds got planted, nothing else.
Enjoy this beautiful day. I’m hoping to do a little winter kill cleaning when it warms a bit. Stay positive.