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  • :sigh: they're talking SNOW on the news. 1 Fatalii plant firmly ensconced in the back hall.
    After-school salsa-making day1 went really well. The kids did a great job (6th graders) and they all ended upmtasting the hab-pico salsa! Good Day!
    My kids 4,5, and 18 months like to help with the maters.
    When picking up some spices today at a spice company, I noticed a SHU chart in the front office that listed the hottest chile as Red Savina. I asked if they carried anything hotter than Red Savina. "Oh, NO! Anything more than that is Dangerous! We won't carry the ghost pepper because you can really get hurt with that chile!" If hubby and I hadn't been so starving, we might have bothered to mention 'scorpion', moruga.....etc.... Oh WELL! I'll...
    My pepper growers just dropped of 50# of jalapenos and some other goodies, enough for a batch of salsa. And they have some other secret peppers coming on. Fun in the Future, and Awesome salsa this week!
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Aren't you tempted even a lil bit to make some poppers? C'mon, put some of that PE on em'!
    Ann one day I will have an elite group of pepper growers like you. Oh how i envy :)
    Back home n the Dry Side, it's good to be home~
    same here SL.. i was away from my babies for 10 days!! now to update tomorrow...
    Did you bring home a Gooey Duck?
    I was ready to make a nice fresh veggie stir fry for dinner when Mom decides we needed to make hamburger gravy so we can use up a bowl of leftover mashed potatoes. I swear I was adopted.
    I had some "spicy" shrimp and broccoli at Applebee's today that wasn't even a hint of spicy. Had to doctor it up. Are we that out of touch with "normal" American's taste buds???
    Yup, we are a little twisted compared to most I think. Ate at a local mexican place for lunch yesterday and asked for a bottle of their hottest sauce (shrimp enchiladas - yum!). They brought out a bottle of that lime green Yucateco sauce made from habs, which I really like. Ended up killing the bottle with my meal and the waitress was like "No puedo creer que termino!"
    Even the 'Kid eats bbq or chipotle chips and says, "that's not hot" and he's not even a chilehead (or so he says) yea, TB, I think I agree with you, but it was either that or Roundtable Pizza.
    Even the 'Kid eats bbq or chipotle chips and says, "that's not hot" and he's not even a chilehead (or so he says) yea, TB, I think I agree with you, but it was either that or Roundtable Pizza.
    installed new bathroom faucet including drain & p-trap, removed old kitchen faucet, installed new kitchen faucet, 17 connections, NO LEAKS! WOOT! Ready for that jar of wine now~
    NO! You two are not going to Victoria's Secret, again!
    aw, Scovie, are you jealous cuz you wanna go, too? lol
    Good stuff, as a plumber I am impressed by anyone who can do their own plumbing work. Most people are afraid to try, and its usually not that hard.
    Hey! Went over to Justaguy's tonight and he busted out the "evil". Woo. Took a drop to the tongue. 15 minute burn. Nice job on the product. Now I gotta cook with it...
    coming down from the 6 hour drive, XL coffee, 5HrEnergy and 1/2 Monster. Glad to be home.
    Holy cow! Sounds like the ultimate caffeine high lol
    You're never going to sleep lol
    Wishing you and yours a PURE EVIL Christmas! LOL Have a great day!
    If it's got your label on it, you know I will! It's just the three of us (but my son hates food so he doesn't count - wait, is he mine!?!? oh, he likes bacon so probably...). We are also fortunate to have Justaguy with us this year. We always make too much. Totally my favorite holiday.
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