AJ Drew
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  • Nigger, Whore, Spick - These things yelled at my 11 year old daughter and friends at school. Daddy is having a conversation with the school. Next step, gonna visit parents.
    How old are these kids? Not saying it is OK, but children say and do and say unkind things to other children, part of growing up.

    In my day, a long time ago, when a kid's parents intervened, that kid usually got even worse treatment afterwards for being a 'snitch'.

    Anyway, handle it however you need to.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Alkhall, daughter is 11 but the bus part of it has high school kids on it. Yep, it got worse when my wife said something to the school. Is why I think this is going to wind up with the parents. I figure I can not spank the little bastards, but if I annoy the parents enough they might.
    Definitely talk with the parents, too, as the school may not even make them aware. And let them know if their kids don't figure out to keep their mouths shut you'll be consulting a lawyer. Bullying needs to be handled without delay.
    January 11 - First snow - Weather weird this year.
    My folks are in Knob Lick. She said winter was finally here lol
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Kind of worried about bugs. If we dont get a cold winter, we have too many ticks and fleas. Other bugs too, but the ticks and fleas bug me the most.
    Yeh that is my worry here also. We always have bugs, but the cold helps cut the population a bit
    Daughter wants to bake cupcakes for wife's birthday. Dad, can I substitute baking soda for baking powder? Oh it is soooo tempting cause I know wife will smile and bear it.
    I hope you told her something like: If you don't have baking powder, combine 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar plus 1/4 teaspoon baking soda for every 1 teaspoon of baking powder.
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Tannerite works in a pinch.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Naw, velocity requirements too high. Now if they got it down to chomping velocity, that would be a cup cake.
    The gifts are under and around the tree. Thank you one and all for helping make this a great Christmas for the kids.
    Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS Ajdrew and the family!!! :)
    Merry Christmas AJ
    Seedlings starting to pop everywhere. I friggin love this stage.
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Turn down the temp a bit. You just want them to toast, not burn.
    Burning Colon
    Burning Colon
    dec 24, i soak my seeds. dec 25 i sow, it has been that way for a long time...except tomato seed, that doesn't happen until march.
    It was 75 degrees today, mid December, in KY - I am so very confused.
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Instead, this year we have... mud. Woo hoo.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    geeme, you have a point but I am on propane and just spend $800.00 to fill the tanks. I guess if this keeps up, I am saving money next year.
    From what I hear, January should more than make up for it.
    It is going to be in the 70s this weekend, what the hell?
    i suspect geo-engineering. It was in the 50s here in july wtf is that about!?!?
    Just made the same comments to 'Vodu'- he asked the same '?'. It's the cow farts.. the belching Bovines I tell ya! Hehe. :)
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    I dunno what it is, but I also remember snow in the winter.
    Either doctor or tire store tomarrow. Fingers crossed either way. Both are damn expensive these days.
    As long as the "healthcare" is still allopathic it will be expensive.
    I'm deciding between tires and dentist XD
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Helvete, I am putting off dentist till I stop falling on my face. Seems kind of pointless so taking baby steps.

    Zoli not much choice. Alternative medicine doesnt much treat things like learning to walk after loosing parts.
    Every dish in house now clean. Kids away with wife at sisters. Amazing how much cleaning can be done when it is not getting piled on as fast as you can unpile it.
    Ever get so tired you dont even want to sleep cause it would take too much energy?
    I have a toddler. I feel that way everyday. :P
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Hot Pepper, no kids?

    Pariah, it gets worse with time. More so if you have a second.
    AJ, I have two nieces, which I have helped raise. 8 & 9 now. They are a cakewalk compared to my 19 month old daughter. They know bedtime. My daughter fights it. 2-3 hours max sleep followed by 2-3 hours of screaming minimum. I welcome the ability to converse on a normal plane.
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