AJ Drew
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  • Lumber finally here. Charging up the drill. Will be putting poles in the ground in a few hours.
    12 board feet?
    12' post? Maybe....
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    12' 4x4 treated posts. Not sure why I was worried about them. It was the 80 pound bags of concrete that did me in. No alcohol yet, but oh damn I wish. My piggies are so sore, they went waa waa wass all the way home.
    Renting truck and bringing home lumber today. Plastic delivered yesterday. Poles will be in ground today come hell or high water.
    moruga welder
    moruga welder
    or snow !
    Cool. Poly tunnel? Been thinking about that myself.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Moruga, weather still says 10 days no freeze.

    Rymerpt, give a google to Kentucky State University High Tunnel Plans. If you can not find them, send me a PM. My plans are based on theirs. Will be posting photos. If it turns out well, will post plans.
    Post holes dug. Plastic coming from greenhouse supply. Renting Uhaul to pick up lumber and concrete in the AM. Might be done before first frost.
    organic pepper
    organic pepper
    Awesome! Hope it works out for ya. Any way to save on heating cost is always a bonus. Cheers !
    What are you going to do about the amount of sun that's out in the winter? I'm sure also this is all money from your pepper sales? If not your business is already losing.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    sicman, exactamundo. The first high tunnel is an experiment. I have no idea how peppers will grow with the decreased light. But I am fairly sure it would be cheaper to heat in the spring than I currently spend on lights indoors. So I think it is a win even if the current crop fails. Yep, business pays for business costs. I am very careful about that, using a separate atm card for all business purchases and never for non business purposes. Have to because that way I down load the csv fi...
    I am afraid to scratch my balls.
    moruga welder
    moruga welder
    you always got mama !
    Vicious Vex
    Vicious Vex
    Fiance laughs because I'll be sitting there in deep thought and she will ask me what I am thinking about. I'll respond "I'm thinking about the last time I touched hot pepper, because my balls itch."

    It's been 3 years and that still gets a laugh.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    I scratched. 30 seconds of relief. 30 minutes of pain. I need a bathtub. Had my mother come live with us when she could no longer climb stairs. Took out the bathtub when she could no longer step over the side. Been 8 years, can no longer provide for her needs, getting a damn bath tub when she goes to assisted living.
    Trying to dig post holes in dry clay is killing me. Why oh why didnt I dig the post holes before planting the garden. Oh ye, was broke and couldnt stand.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Hogleg, resorted to soaking with water. Its not just clay, it is almost hard pan from lack of rain. I have been watering the rows, but they are raised, nice n fluffy. The corners where the poles are going are two inches of top soil, then red KY clay. After about two foot I have blue clay. Got one stinking hole done today.
    moruga welder
    moruga welder
    that shit is awful ! hard as a rock when dry and sticky as hell when wet ! got that blue clay to .
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Ye, but it does hold water really well. Plan is to raise koi soon. Testing the ponds with goldfish.
    At Ahmed's age, I was building pipe bombs. Its was dangerous, it was dumb, but its what rural kids did for fun.
    Cat sratch fever dadadum cat scratch fever dadadum
    rymerpt also i wasnt making fun of you earlier in the status, just funny as hell the way you put it
    Its all good
    There is a goat on my couch.
    Im sure there is. Shoud have kicked her out this morning!
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    All she will eat is potato chips.
    Grandparents day at schoo. I went because grandma doesnt get out much. Old people kept assuming I had a teen who had kids. I kept assuming they were teens who had kids. 50 is only middle age if you live ot be 100.
    You preach it brother!!!!! :)
    Like it!
    moruga welder
    moruga welder
    exactly ! my grandpa was 99 when he passed , lived at home , read , cooked perfectly function able , only died of a broken heart , grandma passed 3 months earlier . she was 95. they were married 78 years !
    Kind of excited. Talking wholesale with three different people. Means next year I can grow more. Oh will my wife be happy when i hand her the rest of the job to do.
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Good luck in whatever you do! Just don't get a big head and end up so busy that you don't have time to teach your employees the proper way to scoot down a row on a skateboard to plant pepper starts.
    Do you Ollie over to the next row \m/ ^^^
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Guys, I am just thinking teen from down the way or maybe a hold over from Ren Faire. We are tiny.
    When I was their age, I dug holes and built undergound forts. My children play minecraft. What the hell?
    Jeff H
    Jeff H
    When I was their age, I dug holes and built undergound forts to smoke pot. My children play minecraft , Instagram and Skype their friends. Not a bad thing.


    Having two teenagers, Maybe leaving the 80s back in the 80s isn't a bad thing.
    Burning Colon
    Burning Colon
    and remember when girls in highschool, took stenography and shorthand to be a secretary, that doesn't exist anymore. so minecraft it is and any new development. i have 2 teeny boopers as well
    Thinking on breaking ground on first walk in green house soon. Not sure if thrilled or scared.
    Be thrilled! You will love it! Wish I could help build it!
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Thank you. Going to be a pole at a time. 4 x 4 concreted into ground. Wind here is unreal in the spring.
    Nice Ajdrew keep us posted brother!! Thinking of doing the same!! :)
    Labor Day weekend Sale - Makes me feel brick and mortar. Like a ton of bricks and mortar are about to land on my head.
    Are y'all wherein yer hard hat!!!
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Safety meeting!
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    TrueNorth, thank you. Every bit helps & I really do like the challenge. Am kind of serious about the feeling brick and mortar. For more than a decade, I owned a book store. We had things like pajama sundays where you get a discount for coming in your pjs. After campus riots, we had a bring in a rubber bullet day. On the bright side, with no brick and mortar I no longer have to wash away the poop from when a drunk decides my doorway is a potty.
    Before becoming a father, I never thought I would ever say: "Boy, put your penis away."
    Why? We aren't the ones shaking my wee wees.
    On second thought. FREE THE WIENER!!!! If women can show cleevage why not ehh?
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    TrueNorth - Worked security at a Goth bar when younger. Couples kept breaking the toilets for having sex on them. So I know where you are coming from. Or were you going the public urination route? People do some nutty things with alcohol.
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