AJ Drew
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  • Doctor: I can not authorize surgery, you have inferior Q waves. Me: Silly human, there is nothing inferior about the Q.
    I did
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Ye, it was a Star Trek joke but the Doctor laughed. Ye, I had to google it. Most common cause is they put the leads on wrong.
    crazy coincidence, Today's episode of Deep Space Nine...."Q-less"
    Baking soda n water for acid tummy. Ripped this unbelievable belch. Daughter, jaw slack, had no words. I am super dad.
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Drink some vinegar and show her how to make a volcano.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Hot Pepper is all like 'science'.
    RPG, ye baby. Deryl is all like, hey I like this.
    Why you no post on TWD thread?
    so he had the RPG keistered?
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    SteelHeat, forgot there was one. Will find it again.

    Topsmoke, great question. They were in a fuel truck. He went to the back of the truck and produced an RPG. Not sure where it could have been hidden.
    Meeting surgeon today to discuss my alien implant. Hoping to get or at least see the xray images.
    Hope all goes well brother!!!
    How'd it go AJ?
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Surgery on the 19th. Great news cause wont mess with spring work.
    Now putting in the last of this year's pepper seeds. Would be sad if not for getting ready to start tomato.
    Do you do tomato from seed too?
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Yep, I am a cheap bastard.
    Watching TV with son. He blurts out: Girl on Girl action, ye baby. Thank you public schools.
    Jeff H
    Jeff H
    Tell him to watch Game of Thrones then. Lots to see there.
    He has good taste, The girls on the 100 are hot. I say that as a self proclaimed dirty old man.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    thegreenman, hope you saw this weeks episode. When the commander took a knee to Clark and said what she said, oh damn I almost cried. It was the most romantic proposal (of sorts) I have ever heard.
    Daughter asked: "What is a republican party?" Wife, trying to sound like the Bender the robot answered: "They got booze and hookers".
    R or D, they are basically the same; self-serving hypocrites.
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    The Democratic party has weed and union hookers.
    I thought the Democratic party had Geritol and Code Pink Hookers?
    Trying to understand a caucus. Kind of like team eliminations.
    I would say its more like a beauty pageant since none of them actually have any skills and are only presenting an "image" and the winner was determined long before the first teleprompted response was written.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Ye, I dont believe a lick from either party's presidential hopeful.
    Wife and mother playing thermastat wars. I am loosing, bake freeze bake freeze.
    you have central HVAC? rich 1%-er.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    We have a 15 year old propane furnace. I did put a window ac unit in when she moved in with us, but thinking at 85 that is kind of a necessity.
    I just found out cock fighting is done with roosters. Well that's 12 months of training wasted.
    Why couldn't you? Most recipes call for full flavored desserts, but you could just as easily make them diabetic friendly.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Diabetic friendly sure, but you can not put insulin in a baked good and expect it to do anything for you. I am just digging on the whole edible thing. Have friend in MI who is recovering from a stroke. She used to puff with differing results. Her edibles are made with a known extract, so she even it out. Amazing difference. Before edibles, she was miserable then stoned with some middle time where she was level. Now she is almost always level.
    ^Oh, you mean your insulin in candy form? Didn't think of that. Just be like my dad. Bad diabetic. Shots and everything. Then he would down an entire bag of Oreos. I'm a firm believer in medicinal marijuana (recreational as well), even though I don't partake anymore. Beats being all doped up on pills that destroy your body and cost a small fortune.
    30 minutes with a hair dryer getting car doors open. Then, couldnt make it a quarter mile due to the ice. I am staying home.
    I live about 40 miles from Rome. We have had a mild w winter per say until the last 4 days. We got pounded with snow, ice, and zero visibility. Those are the days I wish I was retired and it took me 2.5 hours to pick up my son after work which was only 18 total miles.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Jackson, the cabin was on Eagle Crsig. It was part of the Mount Arab chain around Piercefield. Sound familiar? Once winter came, you stayed put.
    Around the Tupper Lake region? Never been there but I hear it's nice.
    Someone fixed our weather. Damn it is cold.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    P.S. Freeze bug eggs..... FREEZE!!!
    Tell them they need to send me snow. I don't want to see grass for another two months.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Good point. Forgot about the grass. I hate mowing.
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