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  1. Islander

    Lots of ripe pods! Things are about to get serious in the kitchen!!

    Its been a while and quite a bit has taken place. Here are some photos of progress. Had a small aphid problem.....until the boss showed up! Getting the bed ready. Finally finished planting at dark! Then came a nice healthy rain to give them a good drink!
  2. Islander

    soil Transplanting into new soil

    Exactly what I had in mind. Minimize transplant shock.
  3. Islander

    Square Foot Gardening...Peppers Plants?

    O wow! 32 would be a challenge. Lol. But I might be able to squeeze half annums and half chinense.
  4. Islander

    Square Foot Gardening...Peppers Plants?

    How many Chinense did you put in the 4x8
  5. Islander

    soil Transplanting into new soil

    I filled my raised bed with topsoil from a local nursery and sprinkled generously the following. Bat guano, sulphur, crab meal, Jobes organic fertilizer, and small amount of mushroom compost. Shoveled in the top 6-8 inches real good then watered it down really good. Is it safe to transplant...
  6. Islander

    Square Foot Gardening...Peppers Plants?

    Wow. Lol. OK cool. How about the annums? JalapeƱos,cayenne, takanatsume
  7. Islander

    Square Foot Gardening...Peppers Plants?

    Can the chinense varieties be planted every 12 inches or just the annums?
  8. Islander

    Jamison's "Red Dirt Grow" PLANTOUT 5/4/14

    Looks like things are off to a good start. What part of TN are you located/close to?
  9. Islander

    Jeff H's 2014 glog- Season ending harvest pics.

    Looking good so far. Bumpppp
  10. Islander

    question about leaves

    Cotyledons Are The Little Leaves Your Seedlings Are Born With
  11. Islander

    seeds Seedlings are all dying?

    How much do you water everyday?
  12. Islander

    Pinoy83's Continous Glog 2013

    With the tail growin in the other pics def not bhut..... looks like a primo x ?
  13. Islander

    Pinoy83's Continous Glog 2013

    looks like maybe bhut jolokia...
  14. Islander

    Transplanting in Florida heat.

    How long are you putting them in direct sun?
  15. Islander

    vendor Chile

    Thanks for the replys guys!
  16. Islander

    vendor Joyners Hot Pepper powder

    Awesome! I will definitely check out your website.
  17. Islander

    vendor Joyners Hot Pepper powder

    How do we obtain these free seeds/powders you speak of? :D
  18. Islander

    vendor Chile

    Do they sell good quality plants? Are their plants pest free?