• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jamison's "Red Dirt Grow" PLANTOUT 5/4/14

It's that time of year again, although a couple weeks behind. I just arrived in Tennessee, moving from Wisconsin not even two weeks ago. The fam and I are all settled in and I'm officially ready to start some seeds! Being in a completely different part of the country, and growing in completely different soil than I'm used to, I still have high hopes. I'm sure I'll be able to whip a garden into shape in no time. I'm def gonna have to get out there very soon and till a large plot. Enough blabberin, I'll get to a list. I'll also list the seed source if I'm sure of where I got them. Seeds are going to soak in distilled water for 20-24 hours starting tonight or tomorrow morning and most will be put into Rapid Rooters soaked in a weak solution of Kangaroots and water, and a few in soil with a heat mat underneath the germ tray. I have a few Manzanos sprouted already, a couple Rennie clones, and a White Devils Tongue sprouted and working on it's first true set of leaves. I'll try to fill this with as much useful info, pics, and hopefully vids as I can. Thanks for checkin this out!

Added 1/21/14:

Brown Moruga - PepperLover
7 Pod Lava - PepperLover
Pink Tiger - Denniz via Enrico
Yaki Blue - Denniz via Enrico


Hungarian Hot Wax - Grocery Store find
Jalapeno "Cracked" - PepperLover
Giant Jalapeno - PepperLover
Urfa Biber - Buckeye Peppers
Bells > Red, Yellow, Orange
Goat's Weed - from my 2013 grow


7 Pots:
White - PepperLover
Yellow - PepperLover
Bubblegum - Bjarnes, CMPMAN
Primo - Pepper Lover, and from saved seeds from my 2013 grow
Large Red - PepperLover
Original - PepperLover
SR Strain - RFC
Rennie Red - Cloned from last years plant
Rennie Brown - Buckeye Peppers

Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw - Bakers via Fatalii.net
Chocolate Scorpion - from my 2013 grow
Red Bhut Jolokia - PepperLover
White Bhut Jolokia - Coheed
Bhut Orange Copenhagen - GaGrowhead
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorp - RFC
Moruga Caramel - JungleRain
Moruga Chocolate - JungleRain
Carolina Reaper - from my 2013 grow
MoA Scotch Bonnet - from my 2013 grow
Bahamian Goat - JungleRain
Jamaican Hab - Walkgood
Habanero Cappuccino - JungleRain
Primo x Chocolate Hab - JungleRain
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet - AjiJoe
White Devil's Tongue - GaGrowhead
Red Habanero - Buckeye Peppers
Trinidad Congo Red - Buckeye Peppers

Thai Orange - Buckeye Peppers

Manzano - Seed Train (Arkennon?)
Blister said:
Good googlie mooglie! Your plant out looks awesome Jamison! The pictures didn't really show how big the plot was. Now that you have your plants and the pots there for reference it's easier to tell.
Thanks Neil!  It's funny how fast one can fill it up and then think that there is still not enough room.  Wish I would have done a couple more rows for other veggies but there is always next year.
Devv said:
Wow thanks for the offer!
I may just take you up on that! I switched to carbon some years ago, I feel it made a nice speed improvement with the poundage I was shooting. The Legacy clocked 315 through my cronny, never had a deer jump string with that bow.
You just say the word my man!  I honestly love carbons compared to aluminium.  Stronger, lighter and faster.  I just make sure they are all good before shooting every time.  Last thing I would want was an arrow to blow up with carbon flying through the air and in my face.  315!!!!  Thats pretty quick.  What is your draw weight set to?  I'm guessing it's pretty high.  Last time I shot through a chrono I was at 296fps.  My draw weight it only set at 62lbs.   Mathews,  reminds me of home (WI).  I shoot an Elite Z28.   I shot a ton of bows before finally deciding on this one.  And I am soooo glad I did.  Wouldn't trade it for the world.  
Blister said:
You guys talking hunting really makes me want to get out again. I usually get in about 20 days of hunting in a year, but last year I think I put in about 5 days in total. The biggest difference between last year and all the other years was that we got spike eater mule deer at 7am then an eater moose at 9am on our first day out. Once the freezer is full the pressure is off. It's close, but we should be out of moose shortly before the start of the upcoming season.

Not much of a bow man myself, but I can respect the effort that goes into hunting with one.

Get out there and hunt you something up!!!
PaulG said:
Nice job getting plant out over with, Jamison!
You will have quite a garden there in a few weeks, brother!
Thanks PaulyG!  It was relieving to say the least.  I'm hoping for an awesome year.  
Yeah, I saw some pics of the carbon arrows coming apart and stuck in peoples hands, not cool!
I setup an over draw for my old round wheel in the early 90's and the first draw the arrow came off the rest. That was that, never shot with it. Didn't even want to go there!
I shoot 67 pounds, but haven't shot in a few years. Actually I went 9 years one time without shooting and it was like I never stopped once I started again. The first arrow out of that Legacy at a deer came apart, and it was an aluminum one! I thought at first I had hit the feeder leg, but 2 bladed broadheads wound have let me know. Cool thing is the 10pt. posed for another shot a few minutes later and wound up in the freezer. ;)
Todays bows are far superior to the older ones. They're fast, quiet, and accurate. Once rifle season started I had the 25.06 hung in the tree just in case ;)  Our season would start early Oct. for archery and end in mid Feb., back in the day I hunted 5-6 days a week. Our bag limit is 5 deer, 3 bucks allowed. Was some good times!
It's funny how shooting a bow is like riding a bike.  Just never lose that touch.  I surprised myself the other day.  Haven't shot my bow since last October,  got the Rhinehart target out with the deer vitals on the side,  put 2 arrows right on top of each other at 30 yards right in the heart.  Did I mention I love this bow!!!
Islander said:
Looks like things are off to a good start. What part of TN are you located/close to?
I'm in Counce.  West TN,  right where Mississippi, and Alabama and TN all meet up.  Right next to the Pickwick Dam and Tennessee River.  Where in TN are you?
I forgot dinner!  These are Chuckeyes,  the cut of the ribs before the Ribeye and they are just as damn good at 1/3 of the price!!!  I'm glad I found these yesterday,  they were out of Ribeyes and decided to try these.  2nd best next to a Ribeye of course!

Corn, baked beans,  baked potato dusted with smoked Chocolate Scorpion powder.  Don't forget the Red Stripe!

I took my very first deer with a bow last year. Just a little button buck I shot out behind the garage. Long story about it... suffice to say I learned a lot of lessons. (Misjudged range, shot hit low, hit both lungs but no major arteries.. was a drawn out thing. In general, it sucked.)
Resolved to revert back to Bambi Thumper until my archery aim improves. (44 mag, Ruger super blackhawk, top)
Archery is something you have to practice and practice.  A good rangefinder is def your best friend out in the field.  I don't hunt without one hung around my neck  unless I'm going to stands that I have already ranged.  It's an investment you won't regret being an archer!  Don't get discouraged,  just practice until you feel comfortable.  I suggest shooting at long distances like 40-60 yards.  Once you get that 20 yard shot at a deer,  its literally a cake walk.  But I do understand buck fever gets the best of us.  If you don't get shakey with your heart pounding outta your chest,  and get all huffy puffy shooting at any deer,  you should probably give it up all together.  
Didn't help that it was my very first deer. ;)
I bought tags, got home, grabbed the bow, went out back. Sat there for under 30 seconds before 5 of them walked down the deer trail behind my garage. What should have been the world's shortest hunt, turned in to a 6 hour ordeal. Deer was wounded, tracked it over 2 miles (thankfully we had a fresh snowfall!), and then had to haul it back by myself through heavy wooded hills. He clocked in at about 175 lbs, but by the time I got it back it felt like it weighed 2 tons. I could barely walk the next day.
Def not fun tracking deer.  If I think I didn't get a good shot,  I'll give it some time and then track.  If I don't find it within about 200-250 yards I back out and look the next morning or after nightfall if it was a morning hunt.  Best to let it lay down and bleed out instead of jumping it up and letting it plug the hole you put in it.  It's always hard not to wait cause you want to find it so bad.  But archery is just like growing peppers,  patience goes a looooooooong way.
Yeah I didn't know what "jumping" was until I was talking with people after the fact. Like I said.. a LOT of lessons learned on that first hunt. 
Like we all know from gardening, though, we learn from our mistakes. :)
Jamison is dead on about practicing at the longer ranges. When you can do baseball groups at 40yds and do it cold every time, you're ready. I like to shoot them @ 20 yds or less, but that's a brain thing, I can hit them farther out but at 20 they're mine. Speed and accuracy can't be beat at 20. In addition there's the trajectory issue. I like to hunt at least 16' up; that mean the entry wound needs to be in the 1/3 down from the top zone (backbone) so you hit high lung on entry and low on exit. Hit them right and you can watch them fall with in 50-60 yds or less.
You collected your first, that's WAY better than the average for sure!
Now that steak plate is to die for!
TrentL said:
Resolved to revert back to Bambi Thumper until my archery aim improves. (44 mag, Ruger super blackhawk, top)
I wish owning handguns wasn't such a pain in the ass here in Canada. I'd love to have a few to go along with my rifles.

Got to pot up some peppers and my orange trees today.  Been waiting on a root pouch in the mail.  
Oranges:  Midnight Valencia,  Blood Orange,  and a Clementine.
Then a Rennie clone from last year and a MoA Scotch Bonnet  Generation 2


I noticed a pistil poking through before the flower has even opened.  I've never seen that before.
Nice deer Jamison!
You know as well as I do ya can't eat them horns!
I was cleaning out the old hunting room to make it ready for next seasons grow and found a box of deer heads I boiled years ago. Some nice antlers in that box, all archery scores!
Good luck growing the Oranges, they should make, but you'll have to pull them in when it gets cold. I have a Lime tree and just bought a Mandarin Orange this Sat., we planted the Lime in the ground and it dropped all the baby Limes :shh:  I would have thought it would just take off and go :banghead: I guess I'll gamble and plant the Orange tree too. They say they can make it unless it gets below 26-27°, which is borderline here.
Have a great week!