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  1. Yantz

    Caught the Lactobacilli bug. (banana for scale)

    Just started my first ferment. Well 4 of them.   From left to right. First Jar (Lemon Mint Basil): Yellow Congo Giant 7 Pod, Green Jalapenos, Green Fatalii, Mint, Basil, Chopped Lemon, Lemon Grass, Ginger, Garlic, Brown Sugar, White Sugar, Brine, Whey. Second Jar (Asian Pear n Ginger): Yellow...
  2. Yantz

    Nutrient Problem?

    Yeah, its my fault to. Tried overwintering a couple plants and they infested my grow room with these tiny black flies and a aphids in the basement. So tossed those plants then tried to start with a clean slate so i cleaned the grow room out and planted a bunch of seedlings, all has been well...
  3. Yantz

    Nutrient Problem?

    I have been fighting a few batches of aphids on the plants on the right tray of plants that are also having the tip problems so im guessing you are right sir, thankyou. been using a soap water oil spray but have Azamax on the way. I just barely watered the plants yesterday and without really...
  4. Yantz

    Nutrient Problem?

    Sorry, I fixed it right after I posted it.
  5. Yantz

    Nutrient Problem?

    Hi, First time posting, been kinda lurking the forums for a few months. Anyways I was wondering if anyone could give me a little advice on my current situation with my plants. Im having problems with my soil plants. The top leaves are starting to curl down and seem kinda bumpy/crunchy on the...
  6. Yantz

    Increasing pepper set.

    about your white balance issue. instead try putting a regular par of sunglasses up to the camera lense and take a picture through it, works exceptionally well when dealing with taking pictures with HPS lights