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  1. uUu

    harvesting billyboys harvest

    65-75 is that F or C? im gonna use one of these for the cold nights in the beginning of june to set the watertemperature(dont know the english word for them): The best container ive looked at is black with airholes under the lid so air will flow threw. If i cover it in foil or mylar. Will...
  2. uUu

    Chili Grower From Icy Sweden

    ah, borlänge is only 120 km away from gävle where i live! i didnt recognize "maruud" but after a quick search @ google i found out that it was the norwegian name of swedish snack maker: "estrella". i dont know anything about potato-covered peanuts, but the norwegians are a bit strange :)...
  3. uUu

    harvesting billyboys harvest

    WOW! im just SO impressed! im thinking about growing hydrophonics outside this year. i live in sweden and we can have pretty cold nights. what is the ultimate temperature for the roots when they are in the tank? can heat be a problem aswell for the roots during sunhours if i use a black tank?
  4. uUu

    pics Sunday Morning Pepper Pics 30 March 2008

    its hard to let them be :) i actually prefer the unripe fruits. they are so fresh and roasted in the oven i think the taste is superior to the ripe fruits.
  5. uUu

    pics Sunday Morning Pepper Pics 30 March 2008

    looking great!! nice to have chilis that soon :) tasted any yet? :P do you remove the buds in the beginning or do you let them all turn into chilis?
  6. uUu

    Gävle Chili-Farm 2008

    thank you imaguitargod and daisy!
  7. uUu

    Gävle Chili-Farm 2008

    haha, yeah it actually does :) 2/3 of olive oil 1/3 of habanero tabasco salt and peppar a pinch of garlic some basil and oregano some juice from lemon or lime some liquid honey thats a nice dressing for sallad :D
  8. uUu

    Gävle Chili-Farm 2008

    yes, rocoto will awesome. especially the one thats going into the hydro in the summer :) about purple tiger. did you say that the leafs should shift in white, purple and green? ive got milky spots on the leafs. thats normal, right?! :confused:
  9. uUu

    Gävle Chili-Farm 2008 1 lumine 50W and 3 20W, a total...
  10. uUu

    Gävle Chili-Farm 2008

    I think the habanero is the best of the 5 tabascos. Although its not very hot and doesnt really deserves to be called "habanero". Yesterday a saw sause for $40 and almost bought it. I got cheap and let it be, since they refused to let me have taste from a sample. 40% habanero, capsicumoil...
  11. uUu

    Gävle Chili-Farm 2008

    hehe, tabasco is ok ;) i love the habanero for sandwiches, pizza, pasta etc. the chipotle i use in marinades and things like that to get the smoky flavour. i actually think there is to much vinegar taste in tabasco. the green chili tabasco and the garlic tabasco is for my girlfriend that cant...
  12. uUu

    Gävle Chili-Farm 2008

    thank you! it was the pictures that was in bigger size that didnt show. i changed them into small ones. they should show up now?! thanks for telling!
  13. uUu

    Gävle Chili-Farm 2008

    thats strange :( they are showing up fine for me now. the pictures can be watched at this adress:
  14. uUu

    Gävle Chili-Farm 2008

    Its getting crowded in the growroom and the smaller chilis are getting covered by the bigger ones. Ive sorted them from big to small - left to right because of more power in the lamps on the right side. I made some oils yesterday. Garlicoil, Rosemaryoil and of course some chilioil. Thats...
  15. uUu

    Gävle Chili-Farm 2008

    Update 19/4 Gävle Chili-Farm 2008 Blog Update: 2008-08-21 - Feeding in the dark! Im opening up a grow log. I love watching other peoples grow logs so i guess other people think the same. Lets share! My plants are now 6 weeks old. There are 45 plants in my...
  16. uUu

    Chili Grower From Icy Sweden

    thank you hot pepper! i listened to your band btw. it was actually really good! i found it a bit strange that the songs had so few listeners @ myspace. grunge is still alive! :D
  17. uUu

    Chili Grower From Icy Sweden

    I dont know if its a rule that hydro gives different taste but it did at my apache. The taste can best be described as "clean". Or perhaps it was just a placebo effect because i knew it was fed with water and not blood and bones like her sisters :D
  18. uUu

    pics Second try at pics.

    ok.. so by the time they are at the bottom without blocks of wood, they are ready to be planted out?! nice sollution! what kind of peppers are you growing?
  19. uUu

    pics Second try at pics.

    very nice setup! are the levels adjustable in height?
  20. uUu

    Chili Grower From Icy Sweden

    Try to grow then in hydrophonics then. Pure taste all the way! :D When i grow in soil i only use bonemeal, bloodmeal and chickenshit?, as nutrients.