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  1. FL.SwampPaul

    pod Yellow Pods

    I honestly don't remember where I got the seeds, I did mislabel a couple of my plants so its likely my fault. I'll be tasting it later tonight though. Now I'm thinking it's a yellow 7 pod.
  2. FL.SwampPaul

    pod Yellow Pods

    I had this labeled as a 7 pod Jonah, but it's producing these yellow pods. Its supposed to come out red, right? I don't have much to go off of as far as experience so I figured someone here might know.
  3. FL.SwampPaul

    off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

    Good morning THP! Today is starting off far too early to possibly be a good day, but I'm planning on starting the very last batch of seedlings so at least I have that to look forward to.
  4. FL.SwampPaul

    Net pot size

    Once I can get a proper setup inside rather than the corner of my garage tying it up for support shouldn't be a problem.
  5. FL.SwampPaul

    Net pot size

    I have 4 plants going in a small ~5 gallon container, and due to their recent growth explosion I need to get them moved into a larger container pronto.. They are all currently in 2 inch net pots. The only issue I can foresee with this is that they will need more support in the future than if I...
  6. FL.SwampPaul

    seeds Three seed leaves

    I had the same thing happen on one of my bubblegums, so I guess I'd corroborate what stc3248 said. So far it's ahead of my other bubblegum seedlings.
  7. FL.SwampPaul

    Ripe pods for Christmas

    Pulled off a Jonah pod a couple days ago. Was disappointed to see a 7 pod burgundy fell off last night before ripening. If I remember to edit this post when I am on my computer I'll include a picture or two as well.
  8. FL.SwampPaul

    Tell me this is a pod.

    Definitely a pod. Now just wait and hope that it makes it to maturity.
  9. FL.SwampPaul

    any teens?

    18 year old checking in. I wouldn't say I'm addicted to growing peppers. I can stop anytime I want to.
  10. FL.SwampPaul

    New Habanero-Type Pepper Introduced

    Really want to get me some of these. Maybe cross them with a Bhut for research purposes.
  11. FL.SwampPaul

    seeds So when's everyone starting their seedlings?

    I should start mine soon, I still need to order seeds as well. Last year the earliest I got any seeds in the ground was April and I am just about to get a good harvest out of them all. So I would rather not do that again. I really should get them started because here in FL I could probably put...
  12. FL.SwampPaul

    Light Options

    I'm going to be doing some growing over the winter in my garage and at this point I have this light picked out. Will I be able to get away without any cooling for the light? I live in Florida, so it does not...
  13. FL.SwampPaul

    Official Bubblegum 7 Pot thread

    Love the look of the Bubblegum 7, would love to be able to get my hands on some seeds to grow it out, try my hand at hydro.
  14. FL.SwampPaul

    Hello from Florida!

    I am just starting out growing peppers and in my online research I found this forum and it looked like a very helpful and informative place so I figured I'd join up. Since I live in Florida, as many of you may know, the weather is terrible year round, but apparently good for growing chilies. I...