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  1. E

    Bhut pods turning purple

    Thats exactly what they look like Good to know there's nothing wrong
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    Bhut pods turning purple

    Now that y'all mention the sun from what I remember the purple pods are the ones that aren't shaded by the other plants. Can the sun have bad affects on them other than the color change?
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    Bhut pods turning purple

    My second batch of bhuts are really starting to come in well, they're about half their full size, but they're starting to turn purple. Why is this? Is it normal or do they have a disease? The only thing I can think of is this past week or so it's gotten suddenly cold (50-60 degrees) at night...
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    health Brown spots on pods?

    This one didnt even have any spots, I dont get it!
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    health Brown spots on pods?

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    health Brown spots on pods?

    this one isnt bad, only 3 spots. I tossed the other ones, they had a dozen or so
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    health Brown spots on pods?

    On some of my bhuts there has been brown spots and when I cut them open the seeds are brown also. There isnt any holes or any bugs in or on the pods just brown spots. Its only been on 3 or 4 out of the few dozen Ive gotten so far, any ideas what it is?
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    Scorpion Trinidad?

    just ate the "red scorpion trinidad" and its deff not a super hot just a plain old red hab
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    Scorpion Trinidad?

    It's all good, thanks for the info
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    Scorpion Trinidad?

    You guys arent helping at all, I'm not giving my stuff away for free. They got money and I don't, they own a pretty successful company, they have around a dozen cars and 4 or 5 houses, I have trouble paying my phone bill each month. They offered to pay me for em, I'm not going to say no to that...
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    Scorpion Trinidad?

    It's a big Mexican family (8+ people eating everyday) and they're talking about alot of peppers like dozens. They came to me with the offer to buy them, all I'm trying to do is figure out how much they go for. I know people sell them on this site I just want to know what their prices are.
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    Scorpion Trinidad?

    I already gave them some but I only have 1 plant so I cant let any more go without getting market value
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    Scorpion Trinidad?

    that sucks, Im surprised that they had real bhuts but not scorps, oh well. A little off topic but I dont want to make a new thread so Ill ask here. I gave 1 of my bhuts to a neighbor and now they want to buy some but I have no idea how much to charge. Whats the typical price for fresh bhut pods?
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    Scorpion Trinidad?

    Ive got 2 plants that are supposedly scorpion trinidads, 1 red and 1 yellow, but now that they are ripening Im not 100 on them from left to right Bhut, Red scorp, Yellow scorp I bought them all from the same place and the bhut is real so I would expect the others to be also but they dont...
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    harvesting First Scotch Bonnet harvest

    love the user name
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    Bhut pods?

    My bhut has been settin pods for a few weeks now and I wanted to make sure that it is a real bhut and not a fake. From the pics of real bhut pods I've seen they look real to me, but I want to get some opinions. sorry for the poor quality, my Iphone cam sucks
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    How to prevent flower drop in 90 + degree weather?

    My plants just started to set pods and stop dropping their flowers but it's gonna be in the upper 90s the next few days, so I've been trying to figure out a way to shade them. I'm thinking about using some sheets, and hopefully this will keep them atleast a few points lower?
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    a look at my plants

    Thanks for all the replies, I guess I gotta be a little more patient.
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    a look at my plants

    none of the flowers have turned into pods, they just fall off after a few days. At first I thought it was because they were to small to produce but theyve gotten bigger and I had 2 fall off today.
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    a look at my plants

    this spring hasnt been hot, its been anywhere from mid 60s to low 80s. This week it got hot though upper 90s mon, tues, and wed, but its back to the low to mid 80s now. the flowers were dropping before the heat though