Your plant is definitely not Naga Dorset. I've grown this variety in the past and it looked very different from yours. My seeds came from Towns-End.
"Incorrect labeling" can be anything between the two extremes of "scam" and "human f4ck-4up". Can you disclose the source of the seeds?
A decade ago, when I still lived in a temperate region, I applied the no-dig philosophy with good results. I had a sandy soil there, very poor in organic matter and minerals in general. I had made raised beds and topped the soil with mushroom compost, never working it into the soil. In the end...
I use vermicompost because it is the only type of natural fertilizer I can get here locally (I only have container plants though). Depending on the type of plant, I prepare 10-25% vermicompost to fill my containers.
When I had a property, I didn't work compost into the soil, just topping the...