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  1. KevinH

    Hola from Chaparral, New Mexico

    Welcome back. If you need any thing to grow hit us up.   Semper Fi.
  2. KevinH

    tutorial All about soil - A great resource I thought I would share

    I am just going to amend mine with time release ferts. and compost the old roots back in to it.
  3. KevinH

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?
  4. KevinH

    The Pacific Northwest GLOG 2014...CLOSED FOR THE 2014 SEASON

    Moved the girls up front today. I tossed 3 plants that didnt look like the would produce. They should break down in my soil bin and give me a bit back for next year.  
  5. KevinH

    That blows..

    That blows..
  6. KevinH

    Kevins 2014 late start Glog

    Well i just up rooted and tossed 6 plants in my soil bin. Of the 6 3 where pepper plants. The hope is latter today I will mix them in with the old soil and compost the old plants. I will add some fox farm marine cuisine here next month and get things ready for January. But so far all I am going...
  7. KevinH

    Yea these kids need to be beat every day in prison.

    Yea these kids need to be beat every day in prison.
  8. KevinH

    tutorial All about soil - A great resource I thought I would share

    Just wondering if any has any input about the Subcool super soil.   8 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil) 25 to 50 lbs of organic worm castings 5 lbs steamed bone meal 5 lbs Bloom bat guano 5 lbs blood meal 3 lbs rock phosphate...
  9. KevinH

    Am I the only one thinking of next years grow?

    Yea my thing is , is space. I am going to grow some on my back porch as well. But they will be my iso plants. yet to be picked.
  10. KevinH

    Am I the only one thinking of next years grow?

    Hay folks just sitting her thinking about next year and and what I want to start. So far I am thinking of doing 30 total plants. The part I'm not to sure on is how many in witch plant. I want to make a lot of powder. So here is my rough list..   1. Caribbean Red 2. Red Bhut 3. Peach Bhut 4...
  11. KevinH

    Forum Debate: Are you For or Against GMO?

    Say Yes to GMO plants that grow in Sub -0...
  12. KevinH

    seeds basic indoor lighting for seed prop - advice please

    This is the set up I used this year to start all my plants. I have no complaints and will be getting 1 or 2 more just like it.  ...
  13. KevinH

    Was curious what everyone's potting up sequence was?

    I go rapid root plug to  inch pots then to 1 Gal. Next year the next step will be ground or in 20 gal pots.
  14. KevinH

    Happy Birthday spongy600

    Happy B-Day. 
  15. KevinH

    Organic section

    LoL It's cool. I have been working 16 hour day's. The fact that can even see is a amazing.
  16. KevinH

    organic The Hot Pepper All Organic Grow

    Yea I have never been able to get a pile to compost. I need to start a worm bin.
  17. KevinH

    organic The Hot Pepper All Organic Grow

    I also use none organic fert's. A member had brought up the idea about a discussion about it I thought why not start one. It ether takes off or it doesn't. Ether way one does not know until one starts a thread that never goes any where.
  18. KevinH

    sun Kevins long term review of the Sun Blaze 4ft 8 bulb

    OK Going to post some more pics to night but here is a quick up date. I have had this light going for months now on a 18/6 cycle with zero problems. In fact even with just the 8 6500k lights i am getting flower buds on the plants still under it. I did pick up a set of the ratchet adjuster's to...
  19. KevinH

    Organic section

    OK I started it. I am not an all Organic grower so, its up to you to get it going.
  20. KevinH

    organic The Hot Pepper All Organic Grow

    OK some one brought up the idea of a discussion for all Organic grower's. Here it is.