Have you ever actually dealt with broad mites before? Because it takes a lot of neem applied on a strict schedule for long term in order to actually get rid of them. Sulfur dust only needs one application with any future ones being just to make sure. And I wasn't using "literally" incorrectly...
Azamax takes a long time and needs stupidly high doses to kill these things. I use dry sufur fungicide because it needs one application and then a couple more just to get any stragglers.
Edit: If plants are really small and can fit in the bathtub or a bucket, submerging them for about half...
I have an S. quitoense as well plus various wild S. dulcamara and S. nigrum that I take care of sometimes whenever it doesn't rain enough. If we're talking whole nightshade family, I obviously have peppers as well as a Datura metel.
Pyracanthum won't be found wild in Florida, but there might be other prickly plants that are edible. It's always better to assume that a nightshade is toxic until proven otherwise though.
Half my plants are in pots that have very dense, heavy soil that makes them grow badly. How do I add perlite to it without screwing up the roots too much?
Peppers can do that, so you'd better get used to it. Right now I have a brain strain that was four feet tall, then it got cut back to a single twig four inches tall with no leaves. The rest of the winter was spent battling broad mites and aphids. Now the plant is two feet tall and growing very...