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  1. Katrina

    With which peppers are YOUR most favorite to make hot sauce?

    Datils, Habs, and Fatalli ! I have yet to combine all 3 in one sauce but I hope to next fall !
  2. Katrina

    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101

    And I've used NONE :) * more art than science!
  3. Katrina

    Homemade "Green Tabasco" Jalapeno Sauce

    I make a lot of fermented sauces, in fact I think I always have a few batches "cooking" at any given time. It's really not a difficult process and people make it out to be WAY more complex than it needs to be. At it's most basic..... 1. Chop up your peppers, and some salt. 2. Store in pantry...
  4. Katrina

    fermenting My very first sauce and ferment!

    That is what I do :) Use whatever bottles are on hand, and I have friends and family give me their empties. They are all trained to know what bottles work and what wont. And I agree on the food mill thing!
  5. Katrina

    fermenting Advice for a first timer - Bhut ferment

    ^ What she said !! :)
  6. Katrina

    fermenting fermenting dried chillies?

    I would say that using dehydrated peppers is "possible" it will just be a lot more work. Dehydrating them will eliminate two of the most important ingredients in lactofermentation... WATER, & Lactobaccilis. You could counter that by reconstituting them, and adding some form of lacto-starter OR...
  7. Katrina

    fermenting FINISHED a ferment sauce today...

    No offense taken :) I have LOTs of sauces and this particular batch was formulated to be a Schriracha knock off with PUNCH. For that I needed to cook it down, add some sweetness, and shoot for a specific texture. At the end of the day I think I nailed it for what I was looking for. That being...
  8. Katrina

    fermenting FINISHED a ferment sauce today...

    The "money shot" ! It tastes and smells exactly like schriracha, with a LOT more heat! Video -
  9. Katrina

    fermenting FINISHED a ferment sauce today...

    I usually don't use a starter... just peppers and salt. This time I used just a few Tbs of juice from my homemade sauerkraut.
  10. Katrina

    fermenting FINISHED a ferment sauce today...

    Only let it go for 5 weeks, but I have several others going and I wanted to get this processed today, as I am OUT of savory pepper sauce! This was a combo of ripe fresno, jalapeno, Bhut's, Fatalli, Datils, and anything else that I had on hand.... oh and a TON of fresh garlic! Removing the...
  11. Katrina

    SoFlo Man Gravy meets RocketMan to become HE MAN GRAVY!!!

    Shoulda made it "FIERCE" or "FLAVOR BLASTED" !
  12. Katrina

    SoFlo Man Gravy meets RocketMan to become HE MAN GRAVY!!!

    mmmmmmmmmmmmm "Man gravy" ! :sick:
  13. Katrina

    fermenting Jamaican Red Mushroom Fermentation Sauce!

    mine did the rise and fall thing for 2 weeks then stopped and became "liquidy" :)
  14. Katrina

    fermenting Bhut, Butch, Fatalli, Peach Bhut, Brain, Fresno, Jalapeno, Habanero, GARLIC Ferment !!!!!

    WOO HOOOO .......... All I have are PH strips, but I will do all I can to make SURE it's below 4! I will likely wait til this weekend. I plan on "foodmilling" it to remove the seeds, and make it smoooooth. Then a hit of citrus, simmer, BLEND!!!! and bottle! I'll send you a bottle unless it...
  15. Katrina

    fermenting Bhut, Butch, Fatalli, Peach Bhut, Brain, Fresno, Jalapeno, Habanero, GARLIC Ferment !!!!!

    Can I PLEASE process it now!!!! :) The bubbling has stopped and what has been looking like thick oatmeal, has now gone to marinara consistency. Still no liquid on top, and it's at about 84 degrees. Still NEVER been opened so no mold at all! :) If I any of you would be "fermenters" take...
  16. Katrina

    tutorial Making some puree today...will post pics of the's easy....

    That means the piece was made by Griswold :)
  17. Katrina

    Top 10 Craft Beers

    I respect your "love" for Cigar City, and I CERTAINLY agree on the Lagunitas!! HOWEVER---- I find that VERY few people (besides hoarders, homers and resellers) truly like Cigar City brews. I have had EVERYTHING they make, and had countless tastings and the consensus has always been that most of...
  18. Katrina

    spirits Tequila is now my friend!!!!!!!!!!

    You guys rock... Tequila is my bevie of choice so long as it's GOOD !!! Just killed this fella... up next is the 1942 !!!!! My friend just brought a CASE back from Mexico where he bought it at the tequilaria!
  19. Katrina

    fermenting First fermented mash.

    It's so frustrating that I almost never see a "conclusion" to any of these fermentation threads !! :(