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  1. SeeYouJimmy

    well... here goes..

    Looking good there Grimus, I especially like the Yellow7 pics a few posts back.
  2. SeeYouJimmy

    The Poddage begins

    Everything looks great Sandgroper, care to swap weather for the next 2 months???
  3. SeeYouJimmy

    food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

    Damn that looks good.
  4. SeeYouJimmy

    Peach and Yellow7 sauce.

    I was actually thinking myself that cinnamon would go well with it. I've almost finished the full bottle..... a few drops at a time :)
  5. SeeYouJimmy

    Peach and Yellow7 sauce.

    I picked a heap of ripe peaches this last week so put some to good use. I blended up 6 peeled and stoned :high: peaches with 12 Yellow 7Pots (frozen from last year) added some raw sugar, white wine vinegar and the juice of half a lemon. Simmered with lid on for 20 mins and lid off for 10...
  6. SeeYouJimmy


    Lance, I've had one fresh NagaBon pod from my plants. I found it to be very hot, around the size of your typical O-Hab and tasty enough to be worth growing. I won't be any more specific as yet because I find early pods always fall short on heat level, size and flavour. It might be a while before...
  7. SeeYouJimmy

    Timmmy's 3rd year

    Looking good there Timmmy "newbie". You really need to stop misleading people with your user name ;)
  8. SeeYouJimmy

    Sandgropers 2010/2011 Growlog

    Somebody's been busy. :shocked:
  9. SeeYouJimmy

    Gassy's 2010/2011 Pepper Growing Thread Thingy

    Sorry to see your mites are back again Gas, but I'm glad your plants didn't get washed away.
  10. SeeYouJimmy

    Sauces in progress

    Those sauces look great JR, best of luck to you.
  11. SeeYouJimmy

    food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

    I agree with Duvall, that does look great Blister.
  12. SeeYouJimmy

    food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

    I made some Puerco Pibil for Christmas lunch so felt I needed to make good use of the leftovers. Multigrain tortilla with Puerco Pibil, tomato, jalapenos, cheese and some of Wildfire Chilli's Smokey Jolokia:
  13. SeeYouJimmy

    Gassy's 2010/2011 Pepper Growing Thread Thingy

    Looks like you're doing quite well Gas, keep up the good work!
  14. SeeYouJimmy

    #*&^% Rip off or what !!!!

    There's this chilli wine which is quite sweet, it's a winner for cooking but too sweet for drinking (for my tastes): Disaster Bay
  15. SeeYouJimmy

    Blue Tomatoes for my Salsa

    Hello there Bluey, fancy meeting you here. I knew I'd seen your name before.
  16. SeeYouJimmy

    food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

    Wow some nice looking meals here. That looks veeeery tasty Richo, and Blister... I knew that was your dish before seeing your name just by the pics. Nice one.
  17. SeeYouJimmy

    food How do you like your chili?

    I like mine like this....with mushrooms and beans:
  18. SeeYouJimmy

    Timmmy's 3rd year

    Nice progress Timmy.
  19. SeeYouJimmy

    Tony's Super Hots....2011

    Nice pics there Tony.... from another Mexican ;)
  20. SeeYouJimmy

    food The Drunken Chef

    I hear you Megamoo, the chili looks great but I doubt I could eat that mountain over the course of a whole day. The double dog shot however, looks the goods. Nice Paulky.