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  1. Alex_K

    Alex_K 2022 - Fruits/Vegetables

    Good to know that I make a right choice with Japanese Giant Red Mustard... It has been interesting experience growing them πŸ‘
  2. Alex_K

    PSF 2021

    Your veggies looking amazing!
  3. Alex_K

    Alex_K 2022 - Fruits/Vegetables

    Growing leafy vegetables for the first time here it's doing relatively well considering the size of the container... I choose varieties that are not found in grocery stores here in Brazil, seeds from Baker Creek. Tatsoi Purple Lady Bok Choy Japanese Giant Red Mustard
  4. Alex_K

    trade Some varieties for trade...

    Hi everyone! πŸ˜€ I bought some seeds (list below) from MK (mikelsimon) but because of misunderstanding they duplicated my order, now I have these extra seeds and would like to exchange them with other varieties. -7 Pot Barrackpore Red -7 Pot Chaguanas Yellow -7 Pot Douglah -Aji Amarillo -Aji...
  5. Alex_K

    Alex_K - 2021/2022

    Paul, Dieter Thanks! I will follow your suggestions and I will not remove the buds! Probably they suffered stress from too much sun and ablaze temperatures here! πŸ‘ I bought the seeds of PDN X Bonda Ma Jacques (White) from "Texas Hot Peppers" I think he is a member of the forum too. The...
  6. Alex_K

    Alex_K - 2021/2022

    Aji Bodysnatcher Suffered a lot with the scorch sun! β˜€οΈ Thai Hot Thunder Mountain Longhorn I don't know what I did wrong, the Thai Hot and Thunder Mountain Longhorn (C. annuum) are producing buds too early I will remove them to not compromise the plant's growth but anyone have idea...
  7. Alex_K

    Alex_K - 2021/2022

    PDN X Bonda Ma Jacques (White) Sugar Rush Peach Papa Joes Scotch Bonnet Big Olive Mama KS Lemon Starrburst Jays X Purple Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion Bleeding Borg 9
  8. Alex_K

    Alex_K - 2021/2022

    It's time to transplant the peppers to the definitive container I hope I don't kill any of them in the process! πŸ˜… Unfortunately BTR Scorpion, Big Mustard Mama and Buena Mulata didn't germinate, I'll try one more time as I still have some seeds! The other varieties I sowed later, so they are...
  9. Alex_K

    Alex_K 2022 - Fruits/Vegetables

    Miracle Fruit/Miracle Berry (Synsepalum dulcificum) This time an african fruit... I think everyone remember this berry! A few years ago it was a trending topic on youtube channels and on social media with challenges and taste tests! As far as I know, they even created a pill with the active...
  10. Alex_K

    Alex_K - 2021/2022

    It seems that Brazil and Mexico have a lot in common, right? πŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ I definitely will read the article, it will be great to increase my knowledge about the genetics of peppers. πŸ‘ Thanks Paul!
  11. Alex_K

    Alex_K - 2021/2022

    My Cumari verdadeira (C. praetermissum): I don't know what happens here but Brazilians have some problem naming their pepper varieties... We have several varieties of Cumari pepper, all with different characteristics, some with round fruits, others long, some red, some yellow, some with...
  12. Alex_K

    Alex_K - 2021/2022

    Hi Sandy! Thanks to having me back! 😊 I just saw your Glog and wow! you have a amazing collection of wilds! I live in the state of São Paulo in southeastern Brazil unfortunately far from the Guyana border I imagine there must be many interesting varieties there. The wild varieties have always...
  13. Alex_K

    Alex_K 2022 - Fruits/Vegetables

    The name of the fruit is exactly the same here "Achachairu" I've already tasted and I liked it too! the taste of the two fruits are very similar, even their appearance is similar, but Bacupari is half the size, most of the Achachairu here are imported from Bolivia and Peru, it seems that some...
  14. Alex_K

    Alex_K 2022 - Fruits/Vegetables

    BacuparΓ­-mirim (Garcinia brasiliensis) In the past, this fruit could be found throughout Brazil, but due to urbanization it is currently only found in parks and forest areas that remained preserved. This is the "mirim" variety, which in the Tupi-Guarani language means "small" so it can be...
  15. Alex_K

    Alex_K - 2021/2022

    In case anyone is interested, I just opened a thread about fruits and vegetables πŸ™‚ Alex_K 2022 - Fruits/Vegetables
  16. Alex_K

    Alex_K 2022 - Fruits/Vegetables

    Living close (nearby city) to the nursery of one of the biggest tropical fruit collectors in Brazil, I was able to buy some rare fruits from here and other tropical countries. Grumixama-anΓ£ (Eugenia itaguahiensis) This fruit is native from Atlantic Forest and is considered to be in a...
  17. Alex_K

    Alex_K 2022 - Fruits/Vegetables

    I created this thread to post anything I grow here in small home backyard besides my pepper plants. Some fruit, herbs, vegetables, etc... Hope you enjoy it! πŸ™‚
  18. Alex_K

    Alex_K - 2021/2022

    Aphids, mites and whiteflies must be the trinity of pepper pests here! 😑 Fortunately I don't have any more whiteflies but aphids are a problem, I'm using neutral dishsoap or neem extract to control but I need to be careful to not burn the leaves. You right David we grow what we can grow! I...
  19. Alex_K

    AHayastani's GLOG 2022

    I hope you can get rid of these pests and have a great growing season there in Mexico! Good luck!
  20. Alex_K

    ChilliCrosser Crosses

    Very informative! Looking forward to see the result of this cross! #stripeystarfish