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  1. kcso53

    seeds Starting seeds

    Well with that being said, I retract my last.
  2. kcso53

    seeds Starting seeds

    I'd buy an anteater and chain him next to the seedlings.
  3. kcso53

    lighting when to start lighting

    Light should be applied 24/7 for the first 6 to 7 weeks, then reduce the amount. Make sure that you get the seedlings as close to the fluorescents without burning them. With my T8's I have them about an inch or two away and I keep a fan on em giving them a gentle breeze to help cool the...
  4. kcso53

    Too Much Light on Jolokias?

    You can keep the light on em 24/7 for about 6-7 weeks then you should reduce it to 18/6 or 20/4 after that. At least that is what I've been told.
  5. kcso53

    3 cotyledons

    Had one of 19 Douglahs do the same
  6. kcso53

    seeds Question about air flow and pepper seedlings

    Also helps your seedlings from damping off.
  7. kcso53

    Building Fluorescent Grow Light

    Try Permaflect. Very durable and able to be wiped down. More rugged than mylar.
  8. kcso53

    water plant watering question ?

    I asked the same question when I started last year. Check out the thread and hopefully it helps some.
  9. kcso53

    free Free seeds-OFFER CLOSED

    Appreciate the info. Well midwestchiliheads got em. Thanks
  10. kcso53

    free Free seeds-OFFER CLOSED

    I purchased several varities of seeds from Pepper Joes and received a free package of seeds from Kaiser Seed Company. I cannot guarantee that these will grow true to what they were represented to be but the following seed packs are free to the first to PM me. Send a SASBE and they are yours...
  11. kcso53

    photography Pet picture thread!

    Zoe-Beagle Montana-Chocolate Lab
  12. kcso53

    smoking BBQ Meat Thermometer

    I think that you'll get the best bang for your buck with this They are on sale now and they work great. I've had mine over a year now and it's never failed and it's always been spot on. If you want one that you leave the probe in...
  13. kcso53

    Pepper Identification

    Thanks for all the replies!
  14. kcso53

    hot-sauce You cant Handle this hot sauce!

    Here's the link for posting pics. It was created by Josh.
  15. kcso53

    seeds Germinating seeds

    Excellent advice. I'll throw a cover over the opening.
  16. kcso53

    seeds Germinating seeds

    This method was posted by Neil from the Hippy Seed Co. and referenced by TheHotPooper on another posting. It involves nothing more than placing a plastic container inside of another which is filled with water, adding a submersible aquarium heater and an airstone for water movement. I have the...
  17. kcso53

    ID confirmation?

    TheAlaskan324-C'mon! You need to brush up on your military time. 2100 is 9 PM. All in good fun. I agree, very nice looking pod.
  18. kcso53

    Pepper Identification

    Here's a picture of the cross section.
  19. kcso53

    Pepper Identification

    Pepper Joes.
  20. kcso53

    Pepper Identification

    There is some texture to them, just not as dramatic as my other plant. I guess I should of put something next to it for a size comparison. These are quite a bit longer than the habaneros.