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    Sicman Does It Again!

    Thos brown pods sure look beautiful!
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    dried oven dried pods

    Hey,sorry if its in the wrong section,but what temo should I put my oven on for drying pods? Thanks J
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    PeriPeri's Grow 13/14/15/2016: South African

    Nice sauce :)
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    Stranded on an Island, which three seed types are in your pocket?

    Bell pepper-Fleshy,good for stuffing,flavour. Jalapeno-stuffing with fish,little bit of heat,good flavour Cayenne-more heat,not too hot,keep myself healthy(believed to be used for medical purpouse?) and its hot enough to burn an enemies eyes,thus protecting me.
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    wanted Looking for unusual Pepper/seeds

    Those sound cool! Any pics???
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    PeriPeri's Grow 13/14/15/2016: South African

    Hmmmm..that's gotta be good :P
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    PeriPeri's Grow 13/14/15/2016: South African

    Well,black is my favourite colour ;)
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    PeriPeri's Grow 13/14/15/2016: South African

    Dang,awesome Lourens,nice shirt! I'll order one! But I want mine in pink!!! ;) XD Zim peri's are looking fiiiine! I finaly got my moz peri's to ripen-hot little fella's,made a small sauce for my girlfriends' dad,and he LOVES it. Hopefully you'll be fine when you take a warm bath this winter ;)
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    South African Pepper Addicts

    Hahahaha maybe! :P nice looking pods! ;) thanks,I will :)
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    South African Pepper Addicts

    SA's a great country,even though there are few chilliheads,its nice to see others parts of SA...I'm in PE here for 4 days with my girlfriend,and as I can recall,Prazzie lives here??? :P its a great place! :)
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    OVERKILL ? Is is possible?

    Nice,at least pepper plants aren't like other trees,usually if a tree would be that close to a house,the roots would grow under through the walls,and that would cause some damage..but that won't realy happen with peppers
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    Sweet PeriPeri sauce

    I'll take a look for it. Hmmm,that does look good....any luck with asking your uncle on how to make it?
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    South African Pepper Addicts

    We South Africans should start getting more South Africans to join in on pepper growing :p
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    Chillie Whisperer's South African Glog-2013

    Hey :) thanks,yea I'll om you my addy :P. Yep,a few people already asked for my number,so I might be in the winnig ;). And yes...I am low on cash to take her out LOL ;)
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    Word game

    Nose job
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    PeriPeri's Grow 13/14/15/2016: South African

    Finaly read the updates,awesome looking plants! And daaaaang,that's a big pot-and a lot of peppers!
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    Chilli Salt

    It sounds like quite the process,try it out and let us know? :p
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    Sweet PeriPeri sauce

    Cool! I'll keep my eye open for thase :)