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  1. sixstring75

    Rocoto Pollination Methods

    Nope I have not, I will try the epson salts. Thanks
  2. sixstring75

    Rocoto Pollination Methods

    Still podless.........The potted plant is in the shade for most of the day, if not all day. Temps have been in the 90's. Both plants continue to flower nicely, but then die. Plant growth for the potted one has slowed, while the one in the garden (sun all day) continues to march upward and...
  3. sixstring75

    Mystery hab?

    It is a really cool looking pod.
  4. sixstring75

    all are not hot

    Ok, I got dibs on (TM)!!!!!! Or maybe not.
  5. sixstring75

    Mystery hab?

    Distribute legally? I don't know.....send me some and see if they care....:onfire: Potawie Fatalinero (TM) sixstring75 (TM)
  6. sixstring75

    all are not hot

    I have been known to throw a big red bell on the grill.
  7. sixstring75

    And now for something completely different...

    Congrats Grandpa Schneider!! :onfire:
  8. sixstring75

    pepper sightings

    That's really going to suck for people that don't like spicy food.....actually that could really suck even if you do (if they do it right). But it is a lot better than the crap they usually eat........unless it's made from decomposing Habs. Probably the first time that the puke bucket gets used...
  9. sixstring75

    review Passow Review's Frank's Red Hot

    Check out the Natto and Cuitlacoche articles at this link. Hell read them all, this guy cracks me up.
  10. sixstring75

    review Passow Review's Frank's Red Hot

    Defcon has been on my list, just haven't picked it up yet. I also forgot to mention that Tabasco is also great on french fries and popcorn. Even if it smells like silage.
  11. sixstring75

    review Passow Review's Frank's Red Hot

    Here I go again.......I beleive that every sauce has its' place. Tabasco goes extremely well on pepperoni pizza, eggs, and hash browns. Beyond that, its' got nothin'.
  12. sixstring75

    artwork's a start

    Sounds very interesting. Especially the the honey and whiskey, I just happen to like both. What kind of whiskey is it? My friend Jack? Jack makes everything better......even removes ugly from the most cosmetically challenged.
  13. sixstring75

    review Passow Review's Frank's Red Hot

    For everyday use I tend to agree with your review. I do use Frank's Red Hot mixed with Frank's Extra Hot, and a little butter for wings. It is not the best, by any means, but isn't bad as a base (it does tend to be a little salty). I am looking for a better wing sauce. I believe that its' only...
  14. sixstring75

    Noob saying hello

    Welcome. Sounds as if your off to a great start.
  15. sixstring75


    That's udderly beautiful
  16. sixstring75

    event DEFCON Day, Saturday 7/22/06, 1-6pm

    I'm with you guitargod. That's a whole lot of wings. I'm good for 20 if they are hot, but only 15 in they are really hot. Actually that's not that much meat, just good ole' fashioned work.
  17. sixstring75

    Hey All!!

    Hey Trashman!
  18. sixstring75

    chinense Capsicum Chinense?

    Well at this point it appears to be similiar to Carmin PI215731 or maybe Caronog. But only time will tell.
  19. sixstring75

    new member here

    Welcome! There a several image hosting sites available just Google it. Or you can use this one, it's free.
  20. sixstring75

    hot-sauce My Hot Sauce Makes it Across the Pond

    Better yet, put me on the chic in the background!! Um uh well I mean she looks know what I meant... Sorry Tina, I'm scolding myself as I type this.