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    butch t maybe

    does this look like a butch t to yall?  
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    Can somebody help identify this pepper

    what color are they turning?
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    Ornamental Peppers... But what are they?

    the first could be a black cuban
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    harvesting todays harvest

    thanks. ghost, lemon drop, crunch sweet orange, maules red hot, black cuban, twilight, and a few mystery that im trying to ID.
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    harvesting todays harvest

    here is my harvest today, probably getting close to my last
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    a few peppers im trying to id

    Here is the first pepper, they are orange the camera makes them look red. Im not sure if these are habs or some type of rocoto's. the seeds in them are white, not black.     . . .   The second pepper, i think is a hybrid but i could be wrong. Its yellow / orange / red.   . .
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    is this a douglah?

    what about a butch t?
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    is this a douglah?

    does this look like a douglah to yall?    
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    NC weather is a killer this year

    the weather in NC started off so slow it was already a horrible year, now last week we were at 90, and this week ... 60's.   with massive flooding, late summer, and early winter, its been horrible.   anywho, with it dropping into the 60's, should i leave all my pods that are not fully ripe on...
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    yellow pepper id

    cant figure out if this is a yellow mushroom, yellow scotch bonnet, any ideas    
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    free Free Seeds Sasbe Peach Bhuts

    do you grow indoors only? isnt it to late to start for outdoor growing?   Im interested in the seeds
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    my first sauce with rec, tell me how i did. with pics

    after taking some advice, here is my first sauce.   I cooked the veggies in the oven covered with tinfoil and a few tablespoons of water for 45 minutes on 310 to soften them up. Blended in blender. Cooking on stove top until hopefully smooth.   I used 1/2 an onion, 10 cloves of garlic, 3 cups of...
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    preservation dehydrator pepper consistency

    i had the peppers sitting in ziplocks for probably 4 days before i put them back into the dehydrator as I found them to be not dry enough, should be fine right? The Nesco 600wat system, is this a good buy?  ...
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    Jelly... Brain strain Jelly

    care to share the recipe?
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    preservation dehydrator pepper consistency

    I used a dehyrdrator on some pods (the food dehydrator by mr coffee model fd5) for around 12 hours, and noticed that the texture didn't seem right (still had some movement in the pods and wasn't fully "Crisp".   I then placed them back into the dehydrator a few days later over night, probably...
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    Should be a Bhut, but not

    looks like a cross, what kind who knows.
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    cooking first sauce, before i cook give me suggestions

    I am about to cook my first hot sauce.   I have;   bag of carrots 20-30 ghost pods, some lemon drops, and twilights onions, garlic, lemons, frozen fruit, sugar, honey etc etc     It looks like some people just blend, and dont cook, others cook it down. I am thinking about cooking it for 16-24...
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    seeds few questions about seed saving, and the worst mistake ive ever made

    thanks for the visual thegreenman, looks like mine.     does anyone else rinse their seeds before drying?
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    seeds few questions about seed saving, and the worst mistake ive ever made

    I was under the assumption that they should be rinsed, preferably with h202 to ward off any potential seed born illness .