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  1. acs1

    pests Aphid Apocalypse

     If I were you, I'd get some clarified Southern AG brand neem from HD that only needs to be mixed with warm water @ 2-4 tbs per gallon and shake like hell before and during spraying. It is already blended with surfacents so no need to mix in soap.This type clarified neem will leave your plants...
  2. acs1

    pests Aphid Apocalypse

    Well, I'll try and help...   I've had more battles with aphids here in sFL than I care to count, and neem has always worked for me.  Key is in the way you mix it and apply it. What neem are you using, how did you mix it, how did you apply it..?   Reason for the questions is, neem is very...
  3. acs1

    Cayennes not turning red

    Same question i asked years ago... Growing peppers taught me a new level of patience... lol   Just make sure they get as much direct sun as possible and all growing parameters are just right. They will ripen eventually.   Once they stop getting 'bigger, then they will work on getting ripe, sweet...
  4. acs1

    container Should I cut off the lower leaves of my container pepper plants?

    My take on this, for small plants like you have, most times plants know best whats good for them.   Usually very low small leafs will fall off all by them selves when the plant deems fit.   I will remove them when finding white fly white crap, fungus, white powdery mildew, aphids, or...
  5. acs1

    Look what landed in my garden...

    Thanks guys....     Well, hard to tell, but haven't had anymore digging in my containers on that rack of peppers. So it seems to be helping. Maybe a big owl might be even better..?     The nutters don't actually eat the peppers, they just have some ocd habit of digging viciously in the...
  6. acs1

    How tall can hot peppers (or sweet) get?

    Well, so far my plants in 3-5 gal containers get 30"- 48". This year had to upgrade to 7.5gal containers, seems already they are getting larger than years past.   Below pic is forum member DWB pepper patch from last year. He said 9' tall and still growing for these Carolina Reaper, iirr.... He...
  7. acs1

    chlorosis? novice gardener and sad peppers

    Without any compost/worm castings etc, and no eggshells or dolomitic lime, organic dry fertilizer, something to buffer your media , you have a intensely hydrophobic media almost impossible to water correctly.   Not to mention no WC/compost that is needed.   If there are holes in the bottom of...
  8. acs1

    pests Round, even spots on Jalapeno leaves, bugs?

    Well, the leaf to the right that has 4 or 5 spots almost look like sun scald. But its not usually so perfectly round. The leaf to the left, with a dozen spots looking almost perfectly made by a paper hole puncher, no clue. The new growth area between those 2 leafs looks to have some kind of pest...
  9. acs1

    Look what landed in my garden...

    To my surprise this morning, when going to out to do my morning garden routine, from a distance saw this Tucan... wth.   My neighbor, she is an artist and loves my peppers. After hearing me complain about furry critters digging in my containers, she painted up this bird to scare them away. Had...
  10. acs1

    HeatMiser's Keeping it Simple With Old Seeds 2020 Grow

    Your welcome, my pleasure. Its the least I can do to share what I've learned here about these pests.   This Dr Earth essential oils works good on broad mites, and also kills caterpillars, beetles, spiders, all soft bodied sucking pests, and probably a lot of the good bugs. But this time of year...
  11. acs1

    HeatMiser's Keeping it Simple With Old Seeds 2020 Grow

    I've found weekly or at the most, 10day preventive maintenance works for me. Not fun, but works.   I've tried in past years to just spray a couple times during/after an infestation. Then after all pests were dead/gone wouldn't spray any more. Within 2-3 weeks I'd have another infestation of the...
  12. acs1

    Healthy SRP plant and peppers going soft?

    Must be sounding like a broken record, but it is what it is.... Looks to me like could be a few things, but its all pests problems that are deforming your fruit and causing foliage problems. If its broad mites its the very start or possibly past light damage from now gone mites from your...
  13. acs1

    HeatMiser's Keeping it Simple With Old Seeds 2020 Grow

    Good, looks like plants are responding, great sign.   If it was me, knowing what I now know about Broard Mites, I'd prune off all deformed, stunted, funky looking leafs and all stems that have only 1/no leaf on them. Cut it way back. You notice most of the new growth you see is at the bottom of...
  14. acs1

    media What media to use? Transplanting from start pods to solo cups

    Well, if you want the best for your plants, tailored for the exact environment they're being grown in, its easy/cheap to make your own pepper plant container media. Some of us are lucky where they grow, commercial bought media mix works perfect for them. Me,, not so lucky here in sFL, commercial...
  15. acs1

    media What media to use? Transplanting from start pods to solo cups

    Speaking of Kellogg potting soil...   Had some left over container mix a year or so ago,, organic Kellogg and organic MG. Did a little experiment.   Potted up some10" high almost identical adolescents, 2 habs, 2 jala, 2 scorpion. All came from seed and in 1/2 gal plastic pots with my seedling...
  16. acs1

    Penducle problem

    Anyone know what does this damage to the penducle. Its only happened on a couple pods. Also, what are the little brown specs on the fruit, anything to worry about...?    Plant looks very healthy, tons of delicious pods, with no obvious pest thanks to a bi monthly neem routine.    
  17. acs1

    Habanero leaf curl, any suggestions ?

    Ya, those are real small, just blew up the pic...   Those are lacewing eggs, soon to be voracious aphid lions.   Don't feel bad, when I first started, wiped out a whole crew of ladybug larvae . Live and learn. If you see them again, let them be. They eat almost every soft body sucking insect...
  18. acs1

    Habanero leaf curl, any suggestions ?

    Is this what you're talking about...?
  19. acs1

    Habanero leaf curl, any suggestions ?

       Can't ever remember having a nutrient deficiency ever, as I always start with a good media mix in my containers. Most all my problems come from pests and improper watering, compacted media, to small a container, furry critters...      Have to agree with ya, sure looks like some type of pest...
  20. acs1

    HeatMiser's Keeping it Simple With Old Seeds 2020 Grow

    Sorry I didn't see your glog post earlier to share what solid7 has taught me...    Glad of your persistence, not giving up might have saved your plants if you're lucky... Persistence is the best virtue for problem solving of most anything....   Surprised its been a month and all the plants...