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  1. P


    Neither.  Don't cook or bake.   Do you prefer potatoes or sweet potatoes?
  2. P

    I'm in

    Welcome.  I'm new to the forum, too.
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    What am I?

    Hi Everyone,   I really like this pepper, actually favorite one right now.  It's popular among my friends and family in the San Jose to SF areas.   Any idea what it might be?  Thanks in advance.  
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    This morning's haul!!

    Wow.  Nice!
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    Japanese Food....

    I had some awesome food while there a few years ago, the soft cream (like soft serve ice cream) in a town called Karuizawa was da bomb.  There are soft cream places all over Tokyo (though not as good as the ones in Karuizawa, but still better than the average ones in the US).  There are flavored...
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    Turkey Day is near!

    Please don't ban me for posting this!:   We're doing the lazy man/woman's way and getting pre-cooked meal from local supermarket.
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    What made you smile today?

    I'm smiling today cuz it's FRIDAY!
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    Funny Insults

    If your brain were made of gasoline, there isn't enough to make an ant's motor scooter go "puh".
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    New forum request..

    You guys and gals are a hilarious bunch.  Wish I had found this forum sooner.
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    I'm a little bummed

    I'm new to this forum.  Looks like a great community of people here.  Thank you for your service, Sir!
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    Joyner's Guess the number of pods giveaway! - CLOSED

    I like games...thanks!....160
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    Pacific North West

    Welcome from California
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    Greetings from Spicewood

    Welcome!  I'm new to this forum too. 
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    2 SFRB's - Seed Saver Collection - 64 Diff Varieties LABELED + Bonus Seeds $22 Each **Sold**

    Christmas came early for me.  I got my box of beautiful pods (plus extras) today.  Thanks TexasHotPeppers for taking the time to label everything so a newbie like me can learn from them.  You rock!
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    Hello from California

    hogleg, thanks for the tip about manzano and rocoto.  I didn't know they can take the cool weather here.  Wow, I learn something already!   oldsalty and JohnsMyName, no, I don't waste time.  Life's too short.  So I usually dive in head on.  Might be my slight OCD nature.  Just a very slight...
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    Hello from California

    I have always love the way pods look on pepper plants, but never got into growing peppers due to where I live...central coast California , where it never gets hot enough for peppers to grow well. So why am I here? We finally have a greenhouse this year. Yay for me! I have been collecting...