Search results

  1. ebh

    Coir + Perlite, why?

      I've also grown in coco without ph-ing my water. For about two months I fed the plants nothing and they've still grown. So this whole coco is inert/hydroponic thing I'm not so sure of... The plants I grew in coco were more productive and larger at the end of the season than the ones grown...
  2. ebh

    seeds Manzano germination issue

    I got my manzanos in the dirt (coco) on jan 13th along with two other types of pubescens (roccoto red and alberto's roccoto). All of the others are out (and some of them have true leaves), while none of the manzanos sprowted (6 seeds).
  3. ebh

    150W CFL or 250W HID for DWC?

    Hi,   I want to try my hand at hydro this year and summer time temps being a bit to high around here, I will be growing the plant inside. I have two options for lightning in my price range: a 150W CFL or a 250W HPS. Growing will take place in a small bathroom/closet I don't use, not in a tent.  ...
  4. ebh

    nutrients hydro nutes

    I'm growing in coco and used the Canna coco last year with more or less success. I don't like the fact that you can't mix them in a way where you can change the NPK, they just have 5-4-3 (which seams strange for fruit bearing plants). Also dislike their bottles.   This year I plan to use GHE...
  5. ebh

    air-pot benefits for pepper plants?

    My OW in air-pots are all still alive and looking good. Most of the ones in normal pots are dead or dying... There were 10 plants in each of the two types.
  6. ebh

    pests Bug ID, please

  7. ebh

    pests Bug ID, please

    Hi    Can anyone help me ID this bug? Iț's on my seedlings trays.     Thanks
  8. ebh

    food Help me choose a cast-iron skillet, please

    One other question... just remembered.   Of the two 24cm cast iron skillets they had in the shop I visited, one was thinner and darker (black) and the other was thicker and lighter (grey). Price was about the same, as I can recall (I think the grey thicker one was a bit more expensive) - about...
  9. ebh

    food Help me choose a cast-iron skillet, please

      No, we don't. No yard/garage sales and no second-hand shops. No e-bay either. There is some kind of second-hand market, but not for kitchenware.   I really like this combo:
  10. ebh

    food Help me choose a cast-iron skillet, please

    Those Lodge skillets look really nice and are very cheap. I will try to see how much the shipping would be..   Thanks!
  11. ebh

    food Help me choose a cast-iron skillet, please

    Hi all you spicy food lovers,   With the new growing season starting I feel it's time for a change in the cooking department also (for me), so I was thinking of buying a cast-iron skillet. Could you folks help me choose a good one without spending an arm and a leg for it?   I am currently using...
  12. ebh

    seeds where can I get manzano seeds?

    If anyone could send some seeds that would be great (commercial, or not), but I live in Europe, so sending them from USA could be more complicated...   Thanks and happy new year!
  13. ebh

    seeds where can I get manzano seeds?

    Hi   I would really like to grow manzano peppers this year, but I keep finding contradicting info on the web. I already have seeds for two types of pubescens: roccoto yellow and roccoto peru cusco from two different sources, but I really want to try to grow beside them the manzano chile.    I am...
  14. ebh

    What are your top 5 Superhot you intend to gros this year ?

    Carolina Reaper Fatalii Jigsaw Moruga Ghost Scorpion (Red and Peach) 7 pot Primo
  15. ebh

    pests bug/eggs id please

    Searched online for pictures of dead (mummy) aphids and they do look kind of similar to what I have. Also, I found flying around (and also a few dead) some little things that maybe are the wasps themselves. Took a pic which also did not turn out that well (they are REALLY small)       Thanks...
  16. ebh

    pests bug/eggs id please

    Hi   About 3 weeks ago I got all my plants inside, even though some of them were full of aphids. There were a few ladybugs between them also, so I thought I should let them figure out between themselves for a while.   After this, I went away until yesterday (asked someone to come from time to...
  17. ebh

    pests bug id

    Indeed... green stink bug it is.   Thanks!
  18. ebh

    pests bug id

    Hi When the cold weather started, my peppers got full of this big green bugs that can also fly. Is this bad for them? I post from my phone and can't upload pic. Will try to do that when I'll get to a computer. Thanks
  19. ebh

    What is the largest Chinense pod you have grown?

    The red habaneros got the largest for me, this year:  
  20. ebh

    More light but cold, or less light but warmer?

    Hey all,   The weather at the moment, where I live, goes up to 20-25 deg C during daytime and down to a little over 10 at night. Is this weather still good enough to keep producing pods for superhots? In about a week I think the night-time temps will drop below 10 - won't it be too cold then?  ...