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  1. F

    Battling with broad mites; neem sprays not seeming effective.

    It's not my "uninformed opinion". Many/some growers are getting cold pressed Neem oil, say which is manufactured for cosmetic purposes. I don't know about the percentage of aza in those products (there, yes, call me uninformed) and those growers who get these products also don't know it..and...
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    Battling with broad mites; neem sprays not seeming effective.

    Do NOT mix the Neem with soap.   Alternate spraying the soap to kill whatever crap is alive, and then afterwards spray Neem oil in the recommended dosage after a few hours. That's what I would I do.   From the above link you can learn that...
  3. F

    Help with growing schedule for Edema

    This is correct, I never had edema outdoors. As for my pots, I have a shitload of pots in all sizes, but I just tend to overdo it and want to grow "way too much peppers" for my available room, this is how I end up with the smaller ones.   That being said: Right now, it's not AS bad yet as I had...
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    Help with growing schedule for Edema

    I just remembered when I grew my peppers in Hempy buckets some seasons ago. (Hempy buckets are simple passive hydro system, where you use perlite/coco or perlite/vermiculite as a substrate), with the plants roots always touching a small reservoir of water/nutrient solution at the bottom of the...
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    Help with applying neem oil

    Solid7,   greeenhouse + heat + humidity = bugs...   I am way too familiar with "the usual" stuff like mites, white flies or thrips :)   I do of course not say that Neem is bad, not at all :) Just if for whatever reason I would have to choose, I'd first get insecticidal soap and THEN Neem. (Of...
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    Help with applying neem oil

      The pt, as I said is that you can't just put pure Neem oil in water, so you also need insecticidal soap or any other emulsifier. And then of course you won't know about the recommended dosage for plants. (This tiny bottle of Azasomething I have, it lasts for a year if not longer. It's €6. No...
  7. F

    Help with growing schedule for Edema

    b3md: In the GH I don't need a shadecloth. (I have CREE LEDs in the GH. Shadecloth is upstairs. See below reply to   Solid7, Yes I have a sunroof and have already plenty grown upstairs. (It is SCORCHING up there). This is the first and only season I am only growing in the GH, which is on the...
  8. F

    Help with growing schedule for Edema

    Once again, Edema time. I am going nuts.   I am growing a bunch of Jalapenos in my GH. I am using small  pots, 2,2l. A fan is blowing over my plants. The reason for edema is overwatering, but the problem is my pots are small and the soil dries fast in the heat.   Someone on the forum said NOT to...
  9. F

    Help with applying neem oil

    That's the problem if you get cold pressed Neem oil which is (normally) used for cosmetics etc...that it doesn't say about the recommended dosages for plants!   I am using insecticidal soap and Neem oil for years, but I always use a product which is made for plants with 3.2% azadirachtin. There...
  10. F

    LST for pepper plants - is there a point to it?

    For all those who may not know: LST (Low Stress Training), is when you use strings, wires and/or sticks to "bend down" your plants into a horizontal flat shape. This way, light reaches the entire plant (not just the top) for bigger harvests. Shose who grow "medicinal herbs" sometimes do it. The...
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    LST for pepper plants - is there a point to it?

    Wondering if LST (Low Stress Training) with peppers makes any sense? Anyone did it and how were the results?   Ty!
  12. F

    Help me identify this nutrient deficiency

    I am guessing Iron or Calcium def.
  13. F

    How far up...

    Which is ironic (a bit) as overwatering (basically always having the substrate moist) is MUCH worse than occasional underwatering.   It's beneficial when the soil can entirely dry out between waterings, even when the plants may even start to droop/wilt a little. They will always recover in a...
  14. F

    Unreal growth of my Jalapenos in less than 24 hours

    Nah, it wasn't the cat pee :) The pee was actually on a different plant, which wasn't even a pepper, and I don't think lots of the pee reached the soil even. That urea is actually N I didn't even know. Interesting! That the plants had been stressed.....POSSIBLE. As it's way too hot...
  15. F

    Unreal growth of my Jalapenos in less than 24 hours

    Ok, pics uploaded. But you won't see much on the pics, just looks like your ordinary pepper plants which of course they are :) Except they didn't look like that just 24 hours ago, basically they were small seedlings, about 7" tall with a cut stem and a bunch of leaves. Now they look like actual...
  16. F

    Unreal growth of my Jalapenos in less than 24 hours

    Let me start saying I am growing peppers (Jalapeno varieties and Serranos) for at least 5 years now. I am just coming back from my green house (on the balcony), and I am....baffled.   Let me tell you what happened in the last few days:   2 days ago I decided I wanted to top all my (still very...
  17. F

    pics What's wrong with my plants? (w/ Pics)

    It is difficult to diagnose "over the internet" from pictures alone, but to me it looks that there could be a WHOLE LOT off with your plants, possibly even a combination of things.   The 1st possibility, something went wrong when you transplanted, and you may have damaged some critical roots...
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    pruning A Simple Guide to Topping and Pruning

    I will ABSOLUTELY top this season. Each and every time, I am hesitating and don't, or I cut them too late. And then the plants get leggy and grow all the way to the lights. And harvests are also meager. This time, I will top about 25cm height, ALL OF THEM. Tired of these tall plants.
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    seeds germinating in rockwool

    (Very) old thread, I am replying because this comes up 2nd in Google if you search for "Jalapenos in Rock Wool" :)   This season (Spain here) is relatively chilly, and I was trying to sprout some Jalapenos/Serranos, easily just in soil. My germination rates this time are really poor, and I also...
  20. F

    Leaves curl up, get thick/stiff/leathery, turn yellow and fall off?

    I had to make a second thread, I found out with the help of some guys here that the plants have very likely edema, causing these problems.