Search results

  1. KingLeerUK

    D3monic's 2015 Glog. Lots of Pods.

    Early pods are usually not true to phenotype, but the skin on that pod doesn't look nearly bumpy enough for a Brain Strain.  It looks very Bhut-ish or Naga-like actually.
  2. KingLeerUK

    KingLeerUK GLOG 2015 - "time to make the powders"

    Bonus round: 7 Pod Primo - with a funky 90° upturned tail   One of my 3 Carolina Reapers is podding up nicely   Seedlings on the light table.  Some are a little bit leggy but I will address that with deep-planting on the next potting up. I'll need to do some savage culling also.
  3. KingLeerUK

    KingLeerUK GLOG 2015 - "time to make the powders"

    Prologue   "Our hero, battered from the trials and frustrations of the 2014 season had originally determine that there would not be a sequel to his story.  2014 was a terrible year, between the torrential and unending rains of March-May, the unrelenting whiteflies, the brown spot, and the zombie...
  4. KingLeerUK

    I need your help on this one my friends!

    Definitely C. annum, and they are very "cayenne" looking but it's hard to know much beyond that.  If they ripen to golden then I would consider that a win because the Golden Cayenne is pretty tasty, in my opinion.   I'd say they are definitely not serrano, kung paos or jalapeno. Very healthy...
  5. KingLeerUK

    Gnarly/Wicked Pod Page

      7-Pot "Primo" with an extra funky upturned tail.
  6. KingLeerUK

    chinense The best tasting non-hot C.chinense ever - The Aji jobito

    It's a relief and reassuring to see responsiveness and what looks like will be a positive outcome.   It's really too late in my "season" to start any more new seeds (said no one ever, right?) but I might secure some seeds for a "Winter" start and then a Spring plant-out in 7-gallon fabric pots.
  7. KingLeerUK

    Seriously? Peace.

      From a certain perspective, that movie would reinforce my point: a society in which all things are given and freely available does not create an environment in which there is a competition to thrive and improve. Ignorance breeds stagnation?
  8. KingLeerUK

    pruning Dollar Tree Air Pruning Pot

    This... is kind of genius in a way.  I know that after a season of UV  exposure that PVC laundry basket will be very fragile, but if the plant isn't moved much what does it matter?  Further for $2 investment who would even care if it fell apart?   Bravo sir.
  9. KingLeerUK

    Seriously? Peace.

    One could argue that "struggle" is built in to the fabric of what we are (and what all living things are) since there is innate competition for resources at every level for all organisms.  Further, that struggle tends to weed out the weak towards improving the species as a whole.
  10. KingLeerUK

    shade Shade Cloth for Mature Plants

    Around mid-July through early September the combination of sun and heat in Central and South Florida are enough to overpower even the hardiest peppers.  I ended up using 40% shade netting over about 1/2 my garden last year and it did make a difference.   The 2014 season was very frustrating due...
  11. KingLeerUK

    chinense The best tasting non-hot C.chinense ever - The Aji jobito

    I wanted to get in on this $20 deal but I'd like to hear that someone else has received their packet already.
  12. KingLeerUK

    chinense white habanero

    Orlando, FL
  13. KingLeerUK

    chinense white habanero

    I have many free seeds for White Bullet Habaneros "White Lightning Habs" if you want to do a SASBE.  I grew them for a few years and pulled the plant when I needed space and found that I was throwing more pods away than actually using.  A very prolific producer.   Send me a PM for address if...
  14. KingLeerUK

    Was labeled Douglah, obviously not

    The seeds that I planted for the Naga Viper, Naga Morich, 7 Pod Brain Strain Yellow, 7 Pod Jonah, and 7 Pod Primo all came directly from seed vendors (PL, FFF) so they would not have resulted from crosses from prior years. I will watch the new pods and let them ripen fully.
  15. KingLeerUK

    pests This pest - how do I protect my habs and get rid of it?

    I would suggest a mild soap solution applied via a fine mist sprayer, repeat once in 2-3 days and see if that discourages them.
  16. KingLeerUK

    Plant Tags/Markers What you prefer?

      I cut my own plastic/vinyl labels from left over vertical blind vanes (free) and then label them with an industrial Sharpie marker on each side/end.  The label is then inserted in to the soil so that one end is always visible and the other end/side is covered by the soil and is protected from...
  17. KingLeerUK

    drying Jerky issue

    I'll cast another vote for powdering/dusting the wet meat after it comes out of the marinade and has been squeegeed.  I have done a few batches where post-marinade and dry-blot I press the strips in to a ghost chili powder/salt.  I get pretty good adhesion.  As mentioned by others, my marinade...
  18. KingLeerUK

    Was labeled Douglah, obviously not

    OK, so I picked these:       Still no guesses as to ID?
  19. KingLeerUK

    chinense Ghost Pepper Nominclature

    Strangely enough, I was trying to compile a list of bhut varieties this week with an eye towards starting a few of each this Fall/Winter and making a present of them for my father.   A few searches across various seed vendors turns up...   Red Bhut Jolokia - the standard experience Peach Bhut...
  20. KingLeerUK

    Was labeled Douglah, obviously not

    As requested, additional pics:           Now, I'm sort of thinking some kind of Naga, but... green > orange? One other possibility is that these could be early-season Carolina Reapers, but all of my Reapers from last year where heavily blistered/bumpy and all grew the distinctive tail...