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  1. T

    Alrighty folks here's an Ebb and Grow project for your holiday weekend

    4. You will now have to put your pumps in. You'll need one pump in your main reservoir and one pump in your larger dump bucket. I used 450 gph Danner pumps in each. I want to flood and drain my grow sites as quick as possible. The idea behind and ebb and grow system is to use gravity to fill...
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    Alrighty folks here's an Ebb and Grow project for your holiday weekend

    1. You will have to determine how many grow sites you will need. I did this system with 20 2 gallon buckets, because I had a 80 gallon reservoir. You'll need 2 buckets for each grow site. You can get by with 1 bucket, but the bucket in a bucket system is great for change outs. One bucket has...
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    Monster Mater!!!

    You sure it's not named Big Sac?
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    breeding Cross Pollination ?

    One of your pods turned into a pack of Cornuts. That's bad ass!
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    Compost - Ph Level - Very Acidic Help

    You might have an issue with your ph meter calibration. I've done literally thousands of soil samples in Georgia and I've never seen ph that low. Georgia has very acidic soil. Soil naturally turns acidic over a long period of time, but it's sped up if the soil has been regularly farmed. I would...
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    How about....

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    raised-bed Raised Bed-New Concept

    I've done similar setups a ton of time when I was in the tree/landscape business. Basically I would layout my plants on the ground and pack wood chips around them. Then when we would sell plants all you have to do is pop them out of the chips and replace them with a new one. The wood chips will...
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    First Brain Strain of 2010 Picked and Used

    Bet the ice didn't help much
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    We've had a similar problem in the south this years, but we're benefiting greatly from it. Plants shut do transpiration once you get into the high 90's and they need cooler nights to recover. We would only get into the mid 80's (at best) in the evening, so the plants never really got a chance to...
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    My tomato list
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    My tomato list

    Nice work. I love weird Tomatoes. My favorites are Tula Blacks, Hillybilly Potatoleaf and Mr Stripeys. They're far better than typical red water baloons
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    ???s about NFT

    My $1 per lb was pulled out of my ass after a lot of research. I hope I'm wrong, but I think it's going to be pretty close. It will also a learning process. I figured every single cost of operation from planting seeds to delivery to my buyer. I'm planning on starting with 2 greenhouses which...
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    soil Reusing same soil next year???

    Dirt is a million years old it's already been reused many many times
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    Air pumps for bubbler systems

    I'm not a mathematician, but I have a 90 gallon reservoir serving double the demand of your system with a cheap Whisper 100 air pump and the water churns like a jacuzzi.
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    ???s about NFT

    In my worthless opinion run to waste is the only way to go. I plan on using dirt floors in ma greenhouses so once the roots breach the bottom of the container, they continue growing into the ground. Every time the pumps run, you send a perfectly prescribed load to each plant. You can run it off...
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    health black spots on red hot cherry

    I've seen it hundreds of time, but I don't know what it is. I've never seen it effect a plant in a negative way. Right now I have several plants with black spots on them
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    ???s about NFT

    NFT's are great, but they scare the hell out of me for commercial production unless you're using a very resistant strains of crops. Recirculating systems can be a powder keg because if one plant gets sick, they can all get sick in short order. Plus you will have to monitor each and every...
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    harvesting My First BIG Harvest

    That was a nasty right cross! Datil peppers are a true treasure and should be in every pepper gardeners collection. I got some seeds 10+ years ago and I've been cloning off the original ever since. I've probably given away 300 plants off that original batch of seed. I'm doing my part.
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    soil Recommended soil for growing Bhut's

    I have a ton of them, but it takes a 110% effort to find them. I have lazy friends that aren't willing to search for them, so they mix the dirt first and then cut in 25% clay
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    Who's a "man?"

    I knew I was a man when my sack dropped