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  1. Greenguru

    ingredients Ghost Avocado

    Ghost avocado vinaigrette sounds awesome to me and it'll go on anything around here I don't think there's enough balsamic vinegar to you and call it a vinaigrette and just enough for a little twine
  2. Greenguru

    ingredients Ghost Avocado

    All my Go to sauces... are based off a recipe that you see on the sauce bar in Mexican restaurants which usually use jalapeno peppers. I just wing it with the peppers I have growing :hot::hot::flamethrower:
  3. Greenguru

    ingredients Ghost Avocado

    Had some end of season green and few little red ghost and I originally made some mayonnaise ghost pepper avocado mayonnaise and then I decided to go to some hot sauce it was just something I fell upon cuz I love ghost peppers and I like making my own mayonnaise with olive oil, coconut oil or...
  4. Greenguru

    ingredients Ghost Avocado

    You always have some peppers that don't turn their final color and that's why I thought I need to try some avocado and these ghost peppers
  5. Greenguru

    ingredients Ghost Avocado

    Guess I'm just hooked on Ghost pepper
  6. Greenguru

    ingredients Ghost Avocado

    Has anybody ever use avocado in a hot sauce? I made some avocado ghost sauce it was delicious I have found my go to sauce.
  7. Greenguru

    My tomatillo verde

    My tomatillo verde
  8. Greenguru

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    The River Atlanta Def Leppard Hysteria
  9. Greenguru

    plant Needing help with I.D. please

    Of course It could be habanero pepper joe
  10. Greenguru

    wanted Habanadas wanted!

    I got habanada seeds, apparently I even tried to keep them true I grew them under netting and not under netting
  11. Greenguru

    Carolina reaper

    Reapers have their own taste not to mention their own burn unmistakably
  12. Greenguru

    favorite Favorite Mayo

    I can't stop finding food to put it on, I coated chicken breast it sticks so well, Ghost pepper, garlic, salt, white pepper Avocado oil, egg,
  13. Greenguru

    Broken hearted sauce

    Salsalady you always know, sounds like jalapeƱo sauce at Mexican restaurants when I do this type of sauce I fridge and no smoothing chemicals, just milling then, never lasting long.
  14. Greenguru

    fermenting Can I reuse leftover brine entirely?

    Salt brine to much salt for me, I rob liquid from two tubs of yogurt most successfully done for me.
  15. Greenguru

    fermenting Pear Burn

    You ever have a time when you been renting somewhere for 30 year's and next thing you know property got sold out from under you and you have to go well no hard feelings at all . The point I had a freezer with loads of peppers and did not want to throw them away like most all my other stuff. So I...
  16. Greenguru

    Fall Sauce making 2014; time to make the Sauces :)

    Hey all, GG here all the pumpkin talk I remember being inspired this reminds me of the pumpkin wine I brewed back then, my brother has the only bottle left it was a fun batch funny how sauce bottles or the wine finish products never lasts very long.
  17. Greenguru

    fermenting Mash or brine?

    The members here know more then I do so you understand that,,,..Just my thoughts, yeast,salt or probiotics fermented, I like the flavor of my cayenne ferments,beneficial probiotics,vitamins that aren't cooked out of the sauce.
  18. Greenguru

    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101

    UPDATE Had a issue with the plastic rap and gas popped a hole and before I could get a rubber glove over it I found it the batch had to be trashed [emoji30][emoji30]
  19. Greenguru

    Introducing Fats to a Hot Sauce Recipe

    Wow pretty technical my butter ghost sauce really makes me happy but, makes me happy
  20. Greenguru

    photography Pet picture thread!

    Lightning my special friend