My Tabasso less the triditional salt packing just few garlic added through out fermation period I just can't get enough Garlic added I just crave more and more glaric flavor
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I have a brew 5 gallon wide mouth jar I like to use for end of summer fermentation batch that makes me through to following year's batch
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The good bad and nasty the learning tree and l can say after making my own hot sauces they are the ones I prefer all hand down
Ps. warrentmanpepperco and his Carolina style sauces sauces are awesome and also on my table keep up the great work warrentman
Friend, I would just hose them under faucet and wash them off at that age GG
PS I deall with this every year on my over winters and love the neem oil and i spray if the neem oil gets on the leaves some leaves will wilt so lots of time i will get 24 hours and wash with hose or sink spray thing...
Just my experience,
tall seedlings are lack of light in my opinion i would drop light down to the plants or raise plants to light
I use the neem oil and spray off bugs with the water hose just depends which one i have on hand
I would keep the oil on the underside of leaves and especially...
at first the yeast flavor was really gross yeast taste and I was ticked off, I did let it play out before I jared it per safe storgage pratices and threw it in some jars and in closet ended way in back after I added other sauces and really to me the yeast really needs to be aged for long while ...
July 17 2014 and very interesting flavor after just few weeks I remember the strong yeast flavor has married in and just awesomeness only four small jars i found .